Danger ahead

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°A few days later°

×Your POV×

I was sleeping in my bed until I woke up to somebody shaking me in my sleep trying to wake me up.

"Y/n! Y/n! Goddamnit! Wake up!!!", The person yelled as they continued to shaking me but harder.

My eyes fluttered softly opened as I looked to my side to see Cartman wearing a strange outfit.

My eyes fluttered softly opened as I looked to my side to see Cartman wearing a strange outfit

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"Mmm....Cartman...? What are you wearing.....?", I asked still tired not remembering what happened before.

"I am one of the Asians". Cartman said in a try-hard smooth tone as a pink flower appeared behind him and he started sitting on a red flower underneath him while making a circle with his left hand.

"But thats not the point, I will explain everything later but right now, its an emergency!". I tilted my head to the left while looking at him in confusion.

"I need you to meet me outside once again, theres no time to lose!", Cartman said before running out of my room again.

Damn, somethint must be up If Cartman is in a rush like that....are we playing another game I suppose?

I jumped off my bed as I turned to hear my phone ringing.

I jumped off my bed as I turned to hear my phone ringing

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Kyle is calling you....

💚 Answer?


No matter what option I choose, the call answered by itself again like the call girl one....

Kyle: Hey, uhm..It might be strange for me to call you at this time y/n, but...I think you should stop. Cartman is clearly taking advantage of you can't you see that?? He is using your phone abilities so he can become unstoppable! This is your last chance Y/n, It won't be pretty If you choose the wrong path.

-Kyle ended the call-


The adventure begins...(South Park phone destroyer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now