A Wild Playground Encounter

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A/n: Happy birthday my favorite Jew boi!!❤️❤️💞💓💓💖

>Your POV<

I woke up to the sunlight shinning in my face as I remember that we have 2 days before the next game. {Maybe I should look shopping for a sci-fi costume later this afternoon....Cartman won't mind If I did that...right?} I though as I went over to my closet to put on a (insert whatever tf you choosed as an outfit) I then walked out my room to be greeted by my mom handing me my breakfast as I sat down at the table.

"Are you having fun with your new friends Y/n?" My mother asked she sat down at the table as well. "Well..yeah! I mean they are kinda cool." Just thinking about them made my cheeks turn pink. "Well that's good to see you're finally having fun!" "Yeah, I guess you're right." I finished eating and putted my plate into the sink as I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. "Bye-bye Sweetie! Have a good day at school."

-At the bus stop-

I was walking to the bus as I spotted Kyle chasing Cartman. "Give it back! Fatass!" Kyle yelled as he was chasing Cartman around the stop sign because Cartman stole his hat. "No way Kahl! It's mine now!" Cartman teased as Kyle proceeded to keep chasing him while Stan and Kenny just watched. "They're at it again, huh.." Kenny said as Stan nodded in agreement before facepalming. I started snickering as all 4 of them turned their heads to me. "What's so funny?" Stan asked in confusion. "I'm sorry! I just find you guy's dynamic hilarious!" I said as I started laughing while holding my stomach.

They gave me playful glare as Kyle snatched his hat back from Cartman while he was distracted. I felt someone lifting me up by my waist, I turned to see Clyde holding me from behind.

"Damn, he's light as well!" Clyde said as he pulled me closer to him and hugged me as If I was a teddy bear. I then noticed Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny started shooting glares at Clyde hugging me meaning that Craig and the others were coming as well. "Do you just randomly hug people like that without a reason Clyde?" Token asked as he facepalm along with Craig doing the same thing. My face turned a bit red from the impact of Clyde hugging me....

"Oi! get your hands off of Y/n, you stupid crybaby!!" Cartman shouted as Clyde proceeded to stick his tongue out at him ignoring what he just said. "What? You wanna hug him to?" Clyde smirked. "What?! no! I just wanted you to get your hands off him because you have no business to be showing up at OUR bus stop", "Uhm....could you put me down now Clyde?" I asked as he nodded and putted me down.

It wasn't too long before the bus got on here and I was the first one to enter it as everyone else followed behind me.

-At School-

"Okay children, we have a new classmate and I want you all to be respectful to him. Come on in now." Mr Garrison said as he moved to side for me to stand infront of the whole class.

"Wait what? You mean this is your first time going to this school???" Cartman asked confused. "Well kind of...yes! I just moved into south park from (insert wherever you first lived) before I met you." Cartman crossed his arms as he pouted. "But anyways, my name is Y/n L/n and I love (insert your favorite hobby), I already know some of you but I hope we can get along If I hadn't already met you". "Alright y/n, would you kindly go ahead and sit infront of Tweek and then we can start on today's lesson." I nodded and went to my seat while Mr Garrison started writing on the chalkboard and proceeded to talk about today's lesson.

-On the Playground-

I was playing in the sandbox until sand got kicked in my face. I started coughing while wiping my eyes to get the sand out and looked to see who kick the sand onto my face. "Sup fourthie! What do you think you're doing on our territory!" It was the 6th graders that approached me. "Dude, this is the playground and everyone is free to be on it without any problems" I said as I crossed my arms in annoyance. "Maybe we should teach this little shit not to come on our property!" The other 6th grader said while cracking his knuckles as he smirks. I was about to say something until I saw a football hit one of the 6th graders in the face while the others stood in confusion and shocked. "Leave Y/n alone, you tinted moisturizer bitchless jerks!" I heard somebody shout out as the 6th graders retreated leaving their friend unconscious on the floor. I looked to see the person wearing a pink hat and black hair reaching their hand out to help me up, I took their hand and got up and brushed the sand off of myself. "You alright?", "Yeah, but thanks for saving me! I owe you one." The person giggled at my response. "Haha, no need and by the way my name is Wendy! It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

935 words counted...and today is Kyle's birthday! So if you excuse me...I'ma go start simping ❤️🧡♥️💗💟💟

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