PvP Visit...

535 13 24

>Your POV<

I was sitting on the bench in starks pond park drawing something in my notebook.

A/N:Did I spell that correctly?

"Y/n!" Somebody said my name and I looked around to see who it was, only to be met with eyes infront of my e/c eyes.

"Y/n!" Somebody said my name and I looked around to see who it was, only to be met with eyes infront of my e/c eyes

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"KYAAA!" I scream falling off the bench hitting my back on the ground.

"Oh my! Its just me Y/n, Kyle" Kyle bended down to pick me up from the ground. "Haha..sorry, you good dude?" Kyle asked as his face was close to mine.

{Ack....my cheeks are turning red from how close he is to my face..}

"Yes, Im fine Kyle..you almost gave me a heart attack! You just showed up outta nowhere." I pouted as Kyle chuckled making my cheeks grew even more red in embarrassment.

"Kyle..? Could you put me down now?" "Oh yeah! S-sorry!" He putted me back down on the bench nervously.

"So...what brings you here to starks pond park Y/n?" Kyle asked as he sat down next to me. "Oh! I was just drawing in my notebook! I can show you some of the pictures I drew." I handed my notebook to Kyle and he took a look at it.

-Kyle looks through the pictures-

"Wow Y/n! these drawings look amazing!" Kyle handed you back your notebook and you happily took it while smiling.

"Thanks! If you want, I could teach you how to draw to." You offered.

"Nah, its fine. I appreciate the offer though". "But anyways, I gotta head back home and do my homework before my mom kills me, see ya later dude!" Kyle waved bye bye and you waved back.


>Kyle's POV<

As I was walking back to my house I spotted doing something through his window.

{What is this fatass up to now..}

I climbed up the tree near his window to get a closer look

>Cartman's POV<

"So..you want me to train the new kid?" Butters asked looking down while playing with his fingers. "Yes, Butters. I want you to introduce the new kid to your pvp stuff training area".

"Well...alrighty then...but why exactly does the new kid need training anyway Eric?" "No reason! I just want to make sure that the new kid is in shape for the next battle with Stan of many pussies".

"Oh..okay, I'll go put on my uniform and set up my pvp area!" Butters ran out of Cartman's room.

>Kyle's POV<

{What. The. Fuck}

I climbed down the tree so Cartman wouldn't spot me spying through his window.

{Cartman, I don't know what you're planning. But it seems to me like you're taking advantage of Y/n. Gotta warn him about this!}

A few hours later....

>Your POV<

{Man...these cards are something else! I wonder If I will get anymore...}

"Hey! New kid!"

I looked over to see a blonde hair boy dressed up in some kind of chinese act waving at me.

"Greetings! I am Leopold Butters Scotch! May I interest you in some pvp?" "Pvp what?" I asked while putting away my cards in my pocket.

"Pvp! You can fight against other people and earn some more cool rewards like getting more cards you know!" Butters showed me a big board of the different kinds of rewards listed on there.

"I can get rewards by doing this pvp stuff?!" My e/c eyes filled with sparkles. "Of course! All you have to do is destroy your opponent's phone to win! But since its your first time here, I'll gave you a free pack!"

Butters handed me a pack labeled 'Phone Destroyer' on it. I took it from him and proceeded to open it.

The pack contained:

• 100 coins

• 30 dollars

• Captain Wendy Card (Ranged)

• Pigeon gang (Flying Fighter)

• Arrowstorm (Spell)

• Nelly Card (Fighter)

"WOAH! Thats OP! I didn't think these rewards were real!" I was in full shock again on the new stuff I just received.

"Haha..They don't call it pvp for nothing, this was just only because it was your first time here. The next time you will have to earn it" "Okay! But I have to go now, see you later Butters!"

"Farewell New kid!" Butters waved goodbye. "My name is Y/n, just to let you know", "Oh sorry! My bad, farewell Y/n!"

"Bye Butters!" I walked out of his garage holding the new stuff I just got.

{Man! I can't wait to show the others what I just got!} I though while skipping happily down the sidewalk.

767 words counted...

The adventure begins...(South Park phone destroyer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now