Rescue pursuit

382 12 11

Tw: Blood

>Cartman's POV<

I looked through my binoculars to see the indian pussies outside waiting for us. {Oh now they are camping? Fucking cheaters....}

I putted my binoculars away as I turned to the others. "Alright cowboys! Listen up, Were going to rescue the new kid and the jew! Tweek and Sally, I want you both to sneak into the back of the base. Me and the others will keep these cheating pussies busy, now go!" We all ran our separated ways as me and the others proceeded to ambush Stan and the indians buying Tweek and Sally enough time to get into the base.


>Your POV<

I let out a soft yawn as I woke up and realizing that I was still in stuck here in this room. I got up only for me to heard a bunch of quarreling going on from behind the door. I ran to through the key hole of the door, but I tripped over my shoes and hit my head against the door hard.

I felt blood dripping from my forehead as I try not to scream out in pain. I heard even more noises from outside of the door. I try to get up, but the door bursted open and It slammed me into the wall.

A/n: Thats gotta hurt...

>Tweek's POV<

I bursted open the door leading to where they kept Y/n while Sally was busy trying to find Kyle. "Argh! Y-y/n are you ack! In here?" I called out twitching violently until the door slowly closed behind me revealing a bruised unconscious Y/n. My eyes widened in fear as I ran up to Y/n and kneel down to his level. {Oh shit! I must've closed the door on him!}.

"AGH! Y/N! IM SO SORRY!!!" I panicked not knowing what to do.

After a minute of panicking, I gently picked up him and putted him on my back as I leave the room.


"Did you change the new kid's clothes kahl?" Cartman said giggling with a smirk on his face. "What?! No I didn't! I though Stan was the one who did!" Kyle's cheek were tinted with pink from what Cartman said and the same goes for Stan

"Huh?! Don't pin the blame on me Kyle! Maybe it was Cartman instead!" Stan pointed at Cartman. "Why the fuck would I change the new kid's clothes you goddamn hippie?"

>Your POV<

I slowly started to open my eyes as I saw I was back in my bedroom. I felt bandages on my head, my arms, and waist. I also looked to see a bunch of eyes starring at me.

"He's wake guys!" I saw everyone gathered at my bed. "Hey dude! How you doing?" Kyle said as he was went closer to me.

"Uhm..I'm feeling better I guess.." {I had no idea why everybody is crowded at my bed..}

"But why are you all here at my bed? Is something happening?" "Well first, Tweek found you injured so we brought you back home. Second of all, We all have decided we are playing a different game since the one right now is boring" Cartman said in a monotone. "A different game? What's that?" "It's the same game like cowboys vs Indians, except we are playing it in sci-fi theme" Kyle said as he handed me my phone that had different cards on it.

"By the way new kid. Cartman, Kyle, Kenny, and Stan changed your clothes while you were sleeping" All 4 of them looked straight at Craig when he had said that. "What?!?!?" Cartman yelled. My face was red as a tomato as I looked at them. "You 4 d-did what?!" "Craig, you fucking traitor!!" Kyle said as Craig shrugged while smirking. "This is now your problem" Token said and everybody walked out of my room leaving Stan, Cartman, Kenny, and Kyle here with me.

"N-new kid! We can explain!" Cartman putted up his hands in defense as the other 3 did the same while hiding behind him. I jumped out of my bed like a ninja and they all started shaking in fear while backing up to the wall.

"My parents will be disappointed in me If I got blood all over my walls, so I will let this slide" They felt relief to hear that. "So when does the new game start?" I said as I innocently putted both of my hands behind my back while smiling happily. "Dude, he's got some mood swings alright" Kenny said but I couldn't hear him.

"No shit dude" Kyle replied back to Kenny.

"Uh, the new game starts in 2 days since we have get our new costumes ready and because we have-" "School.." Kyle said while interrupting Cartman. "WHAT THE FUCK JEW?! I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT" He yelled. "You always say 'Skew' Cartman, and it's getting annoying" Stan said while crossing his arms. "Whatever! screw you guys I'm going home!" Cartman stomped out of my room in a fit of rage Kenny giggled while following Cartman out of the room as well. "Is he always like that?" I asked while pointing with my thump Stan and Kyle both nodded. "Don't mind the fatass, we just do it to spite and piss him even more" "Oh...okay". "See ya tomorrow at school dude!" We all waved as I watched them leave my room.

{Sci-fi? Does that mean we are playing something that technology related like a robot?} I wondered inside my mind, as I took a look at my new cards.

Awesome - 4000 Cartman (Tank)

Hyperdrive - (Spell)

Poison - (Spell)

Enforcer Jimmy - (Fighter)

Bounty Hunter Kyle - (Ranged)

Astronaut Butters - (Assassin)

Frozen - (Spell)

Marine Craig - (Ranged)

{Holy shit! I was right}

I putted away my phone inside my drawer and putted my blanket covers back on me and drifted to sleep.

984 words counted....

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