Not today asshole

311 11 4

The battle against Kyle has started.

I was trying to help by playing some spell cards to even the odds of our team. Cartman frozen 3 of the enemies with a comsic stomp while Tweek attempted to take down Kyle.

"Uhm, Cartman why aren't you going after Kyle?" I asked as Cartman walked past Kyle like it's nothing.

"Oh so you haven't noticed? Well there's a shitty rule in the game saying that only ranged, or other flying units can only take down flying enemies. Like what Tweek is doing right now." I deadpanned as Kyle began to smirk. "Yep! and that gives us an advantage! each and everytime I hit someone all of my allies attack boosts so you're screwed Cartman!".

"God! I hate this goddamn rule!!!" Cartman said before he fell down in defeat as the last enemy ally shot him with a laser. Kyle was now going after Tweek but I pulled out another card and frozen Kyle in his place and started zapping him.

"Gah! He's almost defeated y/n! let's land another blow on him, quickly!!" Tweek said as I nodded.

We continued to try and take down Kyle, but I forgotten that the last enemy unit that took down Cartman was still alive on the field. He shot his laser and Tweek fell down in defeat, my face went pale as I looked at my energy bar and saw it was at 2% while rechargeing.

But before I could do anything else, Kyle and the enemy unit were already close to me.

"Give up y/n, the fatass already made his fate and so will you if you don't surrender" Kyle said as he pointed his gun straight at me along with the enemy unit who pointed his as well except he was behind me to prevent me from escaping.

I was now at a disadvantage...

What am I going to do...? How did we lose so easily....?

"Well? you don't really have much of a option here so hurry up and decide y/n". Kyle said little bit inpatient.

Wait! Kyle does look like he's about to fall down, Maybe I could use my phone zap blast to knock him and the enemy down at the same time.

"Sorry, Kyle...but better luck next time!" I said before blasting him and the enemy unit knocking them back. They both fell down in defeat as Kyle's leaf blower jetpack starting spiraling out of control but he landed on the ground perfectly fine..

"Hmm, not bad y/n! It seems I underestimated you just a little. Oh well! just like with the Indians, your next battle is where you WILL have to surrender". Kenny ran to his hideout afterwards.

Does that mean Kenny has something in stored for me? Oh god, I better prepare myself then...I'll visit butters after I..-

I fainted due to the injuries and tiredness.


×Cartman's POV×

I was sitting in a chair playing on my phone while waiting for y/n to wake up.

Ugh...I can't believe I have to carry this asshole all the way to my room..but I can't have a weak assistant on my ass today.

I was now beginning to text the group chat.

The Cyborg and the Marine:

Cartman: Nice going Kahl, you did a number on y/n and he fainted right after he defeated you.

Kyle: Anddddd how is this my fault Cartman?

The adventure begins...(South Park phone destroyer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now