Such a piss baby

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The pack that Butters gave me contained:

• 750 coins

• 13 dollars

• Jimbo (Tank)

• War hero Ned (Ranged)

• Satan (Tank)

• Stan of many moons (Fighter)

• Classi (Fighter)

• Gimzo Ike (Assassin) about pure luck.....

"Like the new items you have?", "Yeah! I love them Butters thanks!!". I said with a joyful smile making Butter's cheeks tinted pink a little.

"Your welcome Y/n!-", "BUTTERS!!". Butters' dad shouted. "You're supposed to be grounded young man!", His dad said with a disappointed look.

"Okay dad....sorry y/n...". Butters frowned before following his dad up to his room.

Poor guy....what did he even do to get grounded in the first place?

°At Home°

I was looking through my deck again at the new cards that I had just gotten until I heard a knock at my window only to see call girl again.

She opened my window but was still standing on the edge of it.

"We met again....Y/n...", "I assume you are ready for those tasks you've been waiting for right?". She asked as I nodded.

"Good First 3 tasks, I need you to play 6 adventure theme cards, then I need you to defeat 10 sci-fi enemies, lastly I need you to play 4 girl units. message me in the group chat once you get these tasks done". With that, Call Girl jumped out the window closing it behind her and landed in a pile of bushes.

Play 6 adventure theme cards, defeat 10 sci-fi enemies, and play 4 girl units? Damn, this is going to be a lot of work....

I putted my phone away until I heard Cartman bursting through my door.

"Y/n! Kenny is attacking early, get your cards ready and lets go!". Cartman said before running out.

I was left confused for a sec before following Cartman out to the battlefield.

°On the Field°

Me and Cartman stood infront as we watched Kenny beginning to text.

You may have gotten past my last army y/n, but this time its gonna get serious! - Kenny

Make him meet his doom y/n... - Cartman

With that, I summoned Jimbo in the front and Ned behind him as Kenny summoned both program Stan and Ice Sniper Wendy.

Stan freezed Jimbo and Ned at the same time before they could attack. Jimbo started blasting Stan with his shotgun and Ned did the same.

It wasn't too long until Kenny threw some poison at both Jimbo and Ned. They both fell down after a few more attacks from Wendy and Stan, The 2 began to head straight for me as Kenny summoned BHK (Bounty Hunter Kyle) and power fist Dougie.

I summoned Astronaut Butters to attack Wendy but Stan freezed him as well and Wendy shot butters down in defeat.


Power fist Dougie was already near me before anyone else. He started to attack me until my first phone was destroyed sending a electric blast wave at everybody near me.

Kyle was still alive because he wasn't near where I could get him with the wave.

I summoned SOMM (Stan of many moons) behind me, while I summoned Jimbo again infront to distract Kyle.

Kyle was defeated after a few hits from Jimbo. I then Summoned Classi next to Stan.

Kenny frozed for a sec before sending out A.W.E.S.O.M.O 4000 Cartman and Enforer Jimmy infront of Classi.

While Classi and Jimbo were attacking Cartman, Stan used his ability and obliterated Jimmy instantly, but Cartman was almost defeated because of that.

With one more hit from Classi, Cartman was down and they made their way to Kenny.

Kenny's first phone was destroyed, but Jimbo, Stan and Classi were going for another round since they survived the weak electric wave Kenny did.

They destroyed his second phone and all 3 of them were down.

I noticed that Kenny had a smirk look on his face and he pointed to see that he had summoned Program Stan, Wendy and Dougie again near me.

Stan and Dougie started attacking me until my second phone was destroyed.

The electric blast that I did this time killed Dougie, but not Stan and Wendy.

In another panic, I threw poison at them both but they started attacking me again trying to destroy my last phone.

The poison defeated Wendy in time, but Stan was still alive.

He tackled me and pinned me down to the ground while hovering above me after my last phone was destroyed.

The next thing I knew, Stan was leaning down to my face and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips, the same one that I had felt the last time I was kidnapped when we were playing cowboys vs Indians.

My cheeks were tinted with pink as Stan pulled away and we both were panting for air.

My eyes started to close as I drifted into unconscious.

×Nobody's POV×

"Stan! I was going to kiss them!". Kenny said with annoyed face at Stan.

"Too bad Kenny". Stan said as Wendy was crossing her arms with a jealous look on her face.

"Well, what do we now since Y/n is unconscious? are we going to kidnap them again like the Indians?" Clyde said.

"No, something is going on and Im not liking it" Kyle said in a bit of anger.

"Kenny, your wi-fi here is ass". Cartman said.

"C'mon, its not that bad..". Kenny reassured.

"Ugh whatever, I am taking y/n bac-".

"No you will not fatass!". Kyle said before blocking his way to y/n.

"What the?", "Because I am taking y/n this time, I don't know what you are up to and I will not let you slide this time!".

"Quit being a piss baby kahl! you don't even know what you're talking about!". Cartman yelled.

"Admit it, Cartman! I think you're taking advantage of y/n for your own evil schemes aren't you?!". Kyle yelled back.

"Oh god they're at it again...", Stan said to Kenny and Kenny nodded in agreement.

Cartman and Kyle were arguing back and forward until Kyle had enough.

"Ugh!! thats it, I've had enough of you Cartman!". Kyle said before stomping off in a fit of rage as Cartman stick out his tongue before picking up y/n in bridal style.

(Btw, this is a y/n harem story if you hadn't noticed.....don't worry it isn't like all the other y/n harems because those are shit tbh...)

1077 words counted....

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