Battle begins

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>Your POV<

I woke up to an annoying alarm clock. I grab it and threw it out the window.

"Stupid clock..." I mumbled under my breathe as I heard another notification on my phone.

Cartman dming you privately:

Cartman: New kid! Hurry up and put on your uniform! We're waiting outside your house man!

You: Okay okay, Im coming...

>Cartman went offline<

You signed and got out of bed and went over to put on your uniform as usual while grabbing your phone and heading downstairs.

{ parents are still asleep?} You though to yourself before putting your hand on the doorknob.

"God, finally you are here! Quick, pull your cards out of your pocket asshole!" Cartman yelled. "Wait, when did I have cards in my pocket?" You asked while reaching your hand in your pocket and pulling out cards that had names and labels on them.

Outlaw Tweek (Ranged)

Sheriff Cartman (Tank)

Gunslinger Kyle (Ranged)

Sally (Assassin)

Fireball (spell)

Lightning (spell)

You look at the cards in a mixture of shockness and confusion.

"The uniform I gave you already had those cards in there to begin with" "Now! All you have to do is draw out a card and say the name or our name of the card to summon us into the battle!".

"H-hurry! the Indians a-are coming t-towards AGH! u-us!" Tweek yelled as he saw the indians coming closer to us.

"Okay okay! Uhhh-" I pulled out the first card and said its name out loud. Cartman appeared on the battlefield after he heard his card being called out.

"Im a tank new kid! That means I walk slower but have a lot of health!" Cartman said while he attack one of the indians with his gun.

You pulled out another card and said its name out loud once again. Kyle appeared on the field to assist Cartman.

"Agh! Send me out a-aswell! Me and Kyle are both rangers. We can attack from a far distance!" Tweek chimed in as he waited for you to call out his card name aswell.

"Oh okay!" You pulled out Tweek's card while saying his name and he appeared on the field pulling out a dynamite.

"Its gonna blow!" Tweek yells as he throws his dynamite at the 3 other indians in his way blowing them all up in one go.

{Woah...I didn't know this game that we are playing is real...}

I looked in disbelief until I saw someone in the field with a phone similar to mine.

"Kyle, you really picked to go on the cowboys side?" The mysterious person said sounding annoyed. "Sorry Stan, cowboys have pretty more cool stuff then indians" Kyle said crossing his arms.

{So that person's name is 'Stan'? Is that who we are going up against?} Stan glanced at me.

"So you must be the new member one of the indians told me about!" "Uh...yeah- I there a problem?" I asked confused as he continues to stare at me.

"The problem is that Stan is probaby gonna shit himself once he sees that we got someone who is better at the phone then him because hes jealous!" Cartman said laughing.

"In your dreams Cartman!" Stan said while rolling his eyes as he pulls out a card and shout its name.

A blue portal appeared and someone jumped out of it holding mammoth tusks in their hands.

"Ack! I-its K-Kenny!" Tweek said while pulling his hair. "The fuck?! Stan! We are playing Cowboys vs Indians remember!!" Cartman yelled. "Inuits are native Americans asshole, do your research" Stan said before running to his tribe.

"Prepare to die cowboys!" Kenny said before charging at Carman first. "New kid, a little help!?" Cartman was struggling a little while fighting Kenny.

"Huh? What do you want me to do?","You can zap enemies with your phone" Kyle whispered into your ear.

After the battle...

"Oh my god, the new kid defeated Kenny!" Cartman said pretending to be shocked.

"I have never since someone so good at their phone before!" Kyle chimed in right after Cartman.

Cartman pulled out his phone and proceeded to text something.

Cowboys vs Indians:


Kyle: #Cowboys4Forever

Stan: Oh shut up, the new kid just got lucky!

Cartman: Are you just saying that because you shitted your pants already?

Kenny: Aw man, I can't believe I got my butt kicked by the new kid. :/

Stan: Laugh all you want Cartman, the 2nd battle is when I will have the last laugh.

>Stan went offline<

Cartman: yup, he definitely shitted himself.

You: Does that mean hes mad at me?

You: And can you please stop calling me 'New kid'? I already told you my name is Y/n.

Cartman: Should I call you butthole instead?

Kyle: Cartman!

Cartman: Fine, whatever Y/n!

Tweek: N-nice work o-out there Y/n!

You: Thanks Tweek! ^.^

Cartman: Again, how the fuck can you stutter through text Tweek?!?!

Tweek: Gah! Too much Pressure!!!


>Cartman's POV<

{Everything will be going great as long I have the new kid's excellent phone skills, I will be unstoppable! For now, I just have to get the new kid to meet butters before I proceed with anything else...}

886 words counted...

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