Getting stronger....

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×Cartman's POV×

I hissed while turning off my phone and looked to see y/n waking up.

Hmmph, it's about time this retard woke up.....

"Mmmmm....Cartman?" Y/n said as he rubbed his eyes before glancing at me in confusion.

"Finally you're awake, It would've felt like you were unconscious for like 50 million years" I said with a blank stare. "Uh.....okay then...? But why am I here Cartman what happened?". Y/n asked as I got up out of my chair and walked over to the wall and stared at it while having my hands behind my back. "You fainted after your battle against the Jew. I brought you here to recover". "You did...but what about everyone always talking bad about you to me, they make it seem like your a bad person".

Kahl and the others are trying to get y/n against me...

I giggled silently so y/n wouldn't hear me.

2 can play at that game....~

"Y/n". I said before turning around to walk back at the bed that he was still sitting on.

"Don't mind what they say to you, they are only just trying to make you think I'm the bad guy when I'm not", "Come on, I'm going to take you over to Butters' house, we need to make you stronger". "Why do I need to get stronger Cartman?", "In further battles things will start to get harder, the battles that you had previously were just like punching the life outta a dummy. Your next battle is you going up against Kenny and I bet he will have some cards that will catch you off guard".

Y/n though about this for sec before agreeing.

"Alright, now put on your shit and let's go!".

°At Butters' House°

×Butter's POV×

I was up in my room playing hello kitty adventures after I got grounded by my dad for some unknown reason. The silence in my room didn't last too long before I heard somebody sneaking through my window and made me jumped up in shock.

"Oh hamburgers!" I yelled.

"Relax butters it's just me and y/n" Cartman said, I was relief.

"S-so...what brings you guys here to my room..?" I asked while fiddling with my fingers nervously waiting for Cartman's response.

"Y/n needs to get stronger, do you have any pvp matches up today Butters?", "Oh yes! I have about 5 matches up today! Lemme go and put on my don king outfit and meet me by the garage". I said as I ran out of the room to go and get my things ready.

×Cartman's POV×

"Well y/n, it's time for you to put your big boy pants up and start getting serious". Cartman said as he looped an arm around my shoulders for a sec before drawing his arm back. "Okay, I will. I will do my best!", "No asshole, you can't just say "I will do my best" shit that's how most people end up getting clapped when they first try you know". I gave y/n an 'im not convinced' look. "Oh, I mean. those assholes are going to meet their doom!" Y/n shouted in a proud way. "Now that's better. Now hurry up and get to the garage!". I watched y/n run out of Butters' room.

I am always 1 step ahead of everybody~

°At the Garage°

×Your POV×

"Alrighty y/n! are you ready for some crazy butt kicking today!?" Butters said in a excitement way and I nodded while smiling happily.

The adventure begins...(South Park phone destroyer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now