Costume spree

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°After School°

I was walking through the neighborhood with Wendy because we both agreed to hangout later after school.

"Oh! By the way, I heard you are playing a sincere game with the boys am I right?" Wendy ask as I nodded.

Does she know about this game as well? I better ask her.

"Yeah, do you know about this game to?" "Well yeah of course, but I kinda only got in the game because of Stan you see. They didn't tell you about Cartman? Did they not?" She said as a frown started to form on her face.

" Why? Is there something going?" I was a bit confused, was there something about Cartman that I didn't know about?

"Y/n, you might wanna be careful around Cartman then. Cartman is known for being a racist, sexist, sociopath, and jerk asshole." "Knowing him he's always up to no good at all which is very suspicious since he almost never invites me or the other girls into the games they play all the time. He says we are weak and not smart enough to play!" Wendy started to ball up her fists in anger at the last part.

This is getting out of control...I better ask Cartman if this is all true cause this is the 3rd time somebody as bad talked about him to me..

"Sorry about me ranting Y/n...I just really hate his attitude most of the time...that's why I kicked his ass a few months ago because he made fun of breast cancer.." Wendy muttered the last part so I couldn't hear it.

"But anyways, I gotta head back home now. I'm sorry that our hangout was very short but maybe we can do this again another day, does that sound alright to you?", "Uh, yeah! I'll see you again sometime Wendy!" I waved as she waved back before leaving.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk before stopping in my tracks. I pulled out my phone and see that I have a lot of dms from different people.

>Red has added you<

>Nicole has added you<

>Wendy has added you<

>Bebe has added you<

>Craig has added you<

>Clyde has added you<

>Jimmy has added you<

>Kenny has added you<

>Token has added you<

>Butters has added you<

>Stan has added you<

-You have been added to a bunch of group chats-

Woah! a whole bunch of people has added me to their friend list and group chat....but which chatroom should I look at first?

I was scrolling through the chatrooms until my eyes laid upon a interesting chatroom...


Superheros? are we switching games already? I though we were doing sci-fi battles?

I saw a notification on the chatroom saying;



It was in all caps...I am assuming it wants me to check back later then...

I turned off my phone and putted it back in my pocket while remembering I have to buy a sci-fi costume.

Shit...the battle starts tomorrow...I better hurry before the mall closes!!

°At the Mall°

I got to the mall in time and I hoped I wasn't too late until I looked through the glass and saw f/c sci-fi costumes that was on sale.

I ran into the mall and went to the section that had the costumes there. I picked out (insert whatever costume you wanted to wear) and went to the checkout stand.

While the lady was scanning my stuff I saw Cartman here as well. He seem to be in the girls section picking out something...

I decided to walk over to him. "Uh, Cartman what are you doing in the girls section?" I asked. "I'm picking out a outfit for my "girlfriend" because she wanted to play in the game as well". Cartman sounded a little annoyed when he said girlfriend. "You have a girlfriend?", "Yeah, her name is Heldi. She is both very smart and funny, you should meet her". Cartman said as he walked out of the girls section in a hurry.

Cartman is acting a little bit off....something isn't right....

I walked out of the girls section as well while grabbing my f/c sci-fi costume that I picked and proceeded to head home to put it in my closet for tomorrow.

768 words counted...

A/n: Sorry about the late update on this book! I was working on my 2 other books so I didn't have time to make another part to this book so sorry once again!!!

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