Fucking cheaters

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"H-huh?!" I definitely nervous right now since I was technically meeting Stan in person right now.

"So, we finally meet. New kid, but I am assuming that your name is Y/n am I right?" "Y-yeah, thats my name" My tummy started to growl and I blushed in embarrassment...

"You hungry?" I nodded.

"As expected...thats why I brought my mom's homemade soup recipe with me!" I looked at the soup he had in his hands.

{W-why is he being so nice to me?}

"Open wide" I opened my mouth while having my eyes closed. Stan poured the soup into my mouth as the warm liquid started to rush through my body until the bowl was empty.

It tasted really good so I probably would've asked for more to be honest....

"Uhm...S-Stan..?" Stan putted the bowl on the table next to me. "Yeah?" he said as I glanced at him directly.

"Why are you...um..being so nice to me?...I kinda feared that you would've killed me as a opportunity, considering you have me tied up" Stan seemed to be taking up by this. I felt him having his arms around my waist while he was standing on the left side of me.

"Bold of you to assume that, Im not that bad you know. You're my prisoner and I have to treat them respectly" I him felt pressing a kiss on my cheek, I turned into a huge blushing mess after that.

Stan started to blush deeply when he realized what he just had done while still having his arms around my waist. He turned his head away in Embarrassment, but I felt a little smile on his face while his cheeks were still red.

"Eh....sorry about that. But anyways there is a reason why you're here, Y/n" Stan removed his hands from waist and lifted up my chin with his hand. "I won't be forcing you when I say this but....I want you to join me" Stan whispered into my ear with the last part of his sentence. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Join my team against the cowboys, I am not saying im asking and by the way, im pretty sure Cartman could be taking advantage of you..." My eyes widened at the last part.

{Even Stan said...it....could Cartman really be taking advantage of me...?}

"You alright?" Stan asked as I snapped back into reality.

"Y-yeah...im fine...but I can't really betray my team..wouldn't that be a wrong thing to do?"

Stan signed and let go of my chin. "Well, I guess I am going to have to keep you here then"

Stan proceed to unchain me from the walls since it did seem a bit uncomfortable. "Why did you unchain me?" I asked while backing away a tiny bit. "Come on, being chained to a wall would get uncomfortable in a matter of time don't ya think? Well, see you tomorrow then" Stan closed the door behind him as he walked away.

{Im a bit confused now..}

I decided to look around the area I was in. There weren't any windows or vents, but I saw a bed as my eyes hovered over to the left corner of the room. The bed was large and had like 3 pillows and a comfy blanket.

I decided to climb onto the bed to take a little nap.

{Did Stan leave this here for me?}

I didn't bother to think about it as I immediately drifted off to sleep. What I didn't realize while I was sleeping was someone putting the blanket covers over me and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips before they walked out.


>Kyle's POV<

I woke up in a strange room with my hands tied behind my back while on my knees.

"I-i-its see-em l-like yo-o-ou finally woke up, K-kyle." I looked to the right side of the room to see somebody sitting in a chair with crutches next to it. {Jimmy?}

"Where am I Jimmy, this wasn't part of the game and you know it" Jimmy shrugged. "I wasn't the one who was told to put you in here, Token was. Im just only staying here to keep you from e-e-e-escaping. Besides, you and the new kid were spying on us anyways" "How does us happening to be passing by you guys' base count as us spying?"

"I don't know, you could secretly be looking" I gave him a 'what the fuck' look. "Alright whatever, but where is Y/n?". "You mean the new kid? He got put in a different room not far from yours" Jimmy said as he pulled out his phone.

Cowboys Vs Indians:

Cartman: wait wait, wait! So the new kid got captured by you indian pussies?!

Token: yeah. And is there a problem with that?

Cartman: What the fuck you guys!?!?! We didn't kidnap any of you and this wasn't part of the game! Stop cheating already!

Stan: Do you even remember the countless times you have cheated yourself?

Jimmy: The cowboys always get their asses get kicked.

Cartman: Fuck you guys!! I did not cheat, we are coming to get the new kid and the jew back right now!!

>Cartman went offline<

Tweek: Oh boy...hes Ack! Pissed..

Token: as expected, since he is a sore loser.

>Everyone went offline<

Jimmy turned off his phone as he glanced up at me.

"Your team is coming to rescue you both if thats what you are wondering".

"You took my phone and changed my username to your name to piss me of. Didn't you Jimmy" I was annoyed since my goddamn hands were tied up.

"M-maybe..." he said as shrugged again.


>Nobody's POV<

Stan and the others (except Jimmy) stood outside waiting for the Cowboys to pull up and save Y/n and Kyle.

993 words counted...

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