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>Cartman's POV<

I had my sociopath smirk on as soon as I watched the new kid meeting up with Butters. I was thinking about all the things I could get away with while having the new kid as a assist.

"Oh hi Cartman, what are you doing here?" I jumped not noticing the new kid was right behind me. "New- I mean Y/n! You startled me asshole! Don't do that again." "Oh, sorry!"

"But anyways, look! I got new cards and stuff from this kid named Butters!" The new kid showed me the stuff they got.

"My, thats really impressive Y/n, good going." "Thanks!".

"Y/n!" Kahl panted as he caught up to me and the new kid. {Kahl is such a dork, I wonder what brings him here to me and the new kid}

"Y/n, can I talk to you for a min please?" Kahl said as he grabbed the new kid's hand.

"Fuck off Kahl, can't you see I am having a conversation with the new- I MEAN Y/n. Its never rude to interrupt 2 people's conversation you know" "Shut up Cartman! I have something I would like to speak to Y/n. Alone." Kahl dragged Y/n into a alley.

{Kahl seems to be onto me....well...I will just have to manipulate the new kid into believing me instead of Kahl. Can't have this filthy jew ruining my plans"

>Your POV<

"Kyle, Is something wrong? Why did you drag me to this alley?"
I asked as Kyle let go of my hand and had his back turned to me.

"Y/n, I have a feeling Cartman might be taking advantage of you..." I was shocked as soon I heard that come out of Kyle's mouth.

{Cartmans...taking a advantage of me?...or is Kyle lying..?}

"It may seem-" Kyle was immediately interrupted as we heard chattering going on.

"Do I hear chattering?" I asked as Kyle turned to see where the chattering was coming from.

"Its coming from the Indian's base" Kyle pointed to the tribe of the Indians. "What they talking about?" "I don't know, but they are probably planning their next move on us.."

"Should we go and eavesdrop on them so we can be prepared for their next ambush Kyle?" I asked while gripping onto Kyle's jacket.

"No, that would be going against the rules of the game."

"Hey! whos there!" A Indian guard said as he started looking around for us.

"Get back!" Kyle whispered into my ear as he grabbed my waist to pull me into the bushes. My face started heating up again since he was now holding me from behind...

"Come out intruders! I know your around here somewhere!" I could feel the indian guard getting closer to where we are hiding that my face started to sweat.

"Don't worry, he won't find us Y/n..just keep quiet..." Kyle pulled me closer that my back hit his stomach and my head on his neck.


"Aha! Found you both!" The indian guard tried to grab at me and Kyle but Kyle kicked him in the stomach and picked me up.

The indian guard grunted at the pain from the kick when Stan ran out of the tribe as soon he heard the noise.

"Hey! what are you and Kyle doing here?! Were you both spying on us?" He yelled as he prepare to attack us both.

"Run Y/n!" Me and Kyle started to run away only for me to have a arrow shot at my leg.

"Y/n!" Kyle yelled as he stopped running. He pulled out his gun and charged to defend me from the indians.

Kyle felled down in defeat as the arrow was still impaled into my leg as blood started leaking out. My vision started to become blurry, the only thing I saw before blacking out was one of the indians tieing up Kyle, there was someone else next to the indian. The only thing I could make out was seeing that he had crutches on him before I fell unconscious after that.


I woke up as I felt my arms legs were chained up to a wall with something covering my eyes making me unable to see whats going.

A door opened and I heard footsteps creeping closer to me. I whimpered but felt a hand resting next to my cheek.

"Hey, hows your leg?" The mysterious voice asked.

"Ummmm, it feels a little better I supposed..?" I was a bit scared since I am tied up and something is blocking my view so I couldn't see who was infront of me.

"Thats good, lemme take the blindfold off you" {Blindfold? Thats what was covering my eyes?} I felt the mysterious person proceed to gently remove the blindfold off of me

Once the blindfold was off I tried opening my eyes. I was in shock at who was actually infront of me.


827 words counted...

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