How do you do it

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Lola, Lizzie, Polly, and Ada walked into the meeting room where Linda was already sitting, Arthur walked in and sat at the head of the table, "Yesterday, as you all know, there was a fucking terrible

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Lola, Lizzie, Polly, and Ada walked into the meeting room where Linda was already sitting, Arthur walked in and sat at the head of the table, "Yesterday, as you all know, there was a fucking terrible...There was a terrible disaster. Hmm? It wasn't just for us. It was for the whole world. Happened in New York. That's where it happened. And it slowly spread to London. And then to, er, fucking Hong Kong. The whole thing... the whole thing went up. Well, actually the whole thing went fucking down, but...we weren't the only ones hurt by this. The whole world is hurt. A lot of people. In the papers. It's all over the news. Everyone's talking about it." 

"Arthur? Shouldn't we just wait for Thomas?" Polly asked 

Linda shook her head and said, "Polly, Arthur's now the chairman of the board." 

Leon then spoke up saying, "Mr Chairman, perhaps while we wait for Thomas, I might lighten the gloom and express, as a relatively new member of this company, what a pleasure it is to be in a boardroom that has so many females in it, and all females who are both sharp-witted and decorative." 

Lola rolled her eyes then Arthur said, "Yeah, well, we're a very modern company, Mr Greene." 

Leon nodded, "Indeed."

"Although there are still some among us who cling to their old-fashioned values," Polly said as she glanced at Lola 

Just then Tommy walked in, "How far have we got?" 

"We've established that ladies are decorative," Lola said 

"We've only just sat down, Tom," Arthur said 

"Actually, um, Arthur has some documents that he'd like to hand out," Linda said 

Tommy put his coat over a chair, "Yeah? What documents?"

"I was just explaining to everyone, Tom, that, um, well, we're fucked. Ain't that right?" Arthur asked 

Tommy lit a cigarette as he said, "Yes and no. It is true that a large proportion of the company's funds were invested in American stocks and shares."

"Invested or hidden?" Linda asked 

"All investments are approved by the board, Linda," Tommy said 

Linda looked up at him, "Only the ones that went through the books, Thomas." 

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