Jack Nelson

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"I am so sorry

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"I am so sorry. For all of it, that I couldn't be there. For you, for Isiah or for the kids."

Lola was sitting at her desk on the phone, "Mike, you're in prison. You couldn't be here even if you tried. Besides Tommy would have killed you and it would have turned into a triple funeral. When are Gina and Jack coming over?"

"They're already there, if not they're on their way...look, Lo about Molly and Omar. If you want to stop this, if you want out. I understand. You don't deserve loosing more people."

Lola scoffed as she looked at a photo on her desk of herself, Isiah, Molly, Ellie, JJ, Michael and Polly, "I'm in Michael. I told you that. Should I be expecting Jack turning up at the door?"

"He wants to meet you, so probably yes...how are you holding up?"

Lola sighed, "Better than Isiah...I feel like if I break then everything will break with me. I'll do that when this is all over. We loose people, it's how we live, it's how we have always lived but this...I didn't think that this would ever happen. She was a child, Mike."

"I know...when this is all over, you can get away. Start something new, away from all the death and the killings."

. . . . . . . .

Later that day, Lola was sitting in the garden on the grass with JJ whilst Ellie was riding around on the horse, "Be careful. Not too fast."

"I got it!" Ellie called back

Lola slightly smiled as she looked at JJ, "How are you doing little man?"

JJ looked up at her, "I miss Molly."

Lola sighed and nodded her head, "I know you do, bud. We all do. But she's with Nana Pol, and she's happy and safe. Do you understand that?" JJ nodded, "Good boy. How about you show me what you and your dad have been making in that barn, that you don't think I know about?"

JJ shook his head, "Nope."

Lola laughed, "No? Okay then, I'll leave that to you two." She looked back at the house when she heard a knock on the door, "You stay in your sisters eyesight okay?"

Lola stood up and looked at Ellie, "You keep him in your sights okay, ride around with him for a bit. He'd like that."

She walked back into the house and opened the door

"Mrs Jesus-Gray?"

Lola nodded, "Yes, Mr Nelson I'm guessing? Tell me you didn't stand in the horse shite on your way up here."

"I didn't. Is your husband home?" Jack asked

Lola shook her head, "No, he doesn't come home much lately. We uh...we had a few deaths in the family as of late."

"Gina told me, she sends her condolences. May I come in?" Jack asked

Lola nodded as she moved to the side and Jack walked in, the pair walked into the kitchen and Lola said, "You're a bit early."

"I've already met with your cousin, Thomas. You know it was the way Catholics were treated in my country that made me what I am...what made you this way? Why would you risk betraying your family?"

Lola sat down and said, "My mother, my step-father, well he was going to be. My friend and my daughter were all killed...purely because my cousin doesn't know when to stop. He wants to have everything, without thinking of the consequences that it might lead to."

"So no one messed with you when you were small then?" Jack asked as he sat down, "That's good to know."

Lola chuckled, "I'm a gypsy woman. People believed I had the power to lay curses and talk to the dead, they already knew not to mess with me. It kinda stuck."

"And do you?" Jack asked

Lola nodded, "On occasion."

"The first man I killed was a priest. You?" Jack asked

Lola paused before she said, "A man in a horse auction. Tried to kill Tommy. Shot him in the head."

Jack nodded, "When was the last time you killed a man Mrs Jesus-Gray?"

"Good few years ago, that's not really something I come into contact with recently I've got more important things to be dealing with...Michael's told me that you're gonna let him kill Tommy?" Lola asked

Jack nodded and said, "That is the deal that myself and Mr Gray have struck. How far in are you on this deal?"

"I haven't decided yet, tell me has Tommy suggested you meet certain people. Oswald Mosely and Diana Mitford?" Lola asked and Jack nodded, "They're arses, pre-warning you."

Just then Ellie walked into the kitchen, Lola stood up, "Hi, baby. Um...this is a friend of Uncle Michaels, Jack."

Jack stood up and nodded, "I'm your Aunt Gina's, Uncle. Mrs Jesus-Gray, I'll be seeing you. Very soon."

Lola nodded, "I trust you can see yourself out. Nice to see you Jack. Tell Gina I'll be seeing her." Jack nodded as he walked towards the door

Lola looked at Ellie, "Where's JJ?"

"He's out with the horses." Ellie said as she sat down next to Lola, "Where's dad?"

"Dad is, he's with grandpa. He's not dealing with everything very well, he'll be back tomorrow though. He just needed a little bit of time alright?" Lola asked and Ellie nodded, "Come here."

Lola moved her chair over and hugged Ellie, "It's all gonna be alright. I promise you."

Just then the phone rang, "Give me a minute." Lola said as she walked over to the phone and picked it up, "Jesus-Gray's."

"I need you to get me the number for Esme. Can you do that?"

"Tommy?", Lola asked, she then nodded, "Yes I can do that, but why do you need Esme? What's going on?"

"Ruby's sick again. I don't trust the science-"

Lola cut Tommy off, "So you're going to the gypsy's. Okay...I'll get you the number. Anything else?"

"Do you still want something to do?"

Lola looked back at Ellie who was sitting at the table, "Yeah. You know I do. What do you want me do?"

"I need you to be me in London. It's important. I need you to be me for five days. Okay?"

Lola nodded, "What do you want me to do?"

"Meet with some important people and run the business for five days, that's all I'm asking."

"Okay. Okay, I can do that. Good luck with the Lee's the don't take to visitors." Lola said, just then the call ended and she dialled a new number, "Mayfair 244...I need you to come with me somewhere tomorrow. It's important."

Thank you for reading

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