The Black Rider

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"You know I was going to have a nice normal day at home with Karl

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"You know I was going to have a nice normal day at home with Karl." 

Lola smiled, "Thanks for coming with me. I might just have killed her if I was on my own." 

Ada nodded as they walked up the stairs, "How are you doing?" 

"I'm doing okay...I've got my ways of dealing with everything. It's better now that's Isiah's back. He needed it, I didn't." Lola said 

The man lead them into a room, "Mrs Ada Thorne, and Mrs Lola Jesus-Gray. Ma'am." 

"And I thought you were all called Shelby." Diana said as she kissed Ada on the cheeks 

Ada nodded, "Ah, I'm a widow." 

Diana kissed Lola on the cheeks before she said, "My husband didn't have the good grace to die. He lingers yet." 

"Your husband is a member of the Guinness family, I believe. They do a lot of good work on behalf of the poor." Ada said 

Diana walked over to one of the sofas and sat down, "The poor who are only poor because they spent so much of their income on Guinness. Please." 

"I think the causes of poverty are a little more complex than that." Lola said 

Diana nodded, "Yes. I believe it is to do with genetics." 

Ada and Lola looked at each other before they both sat down, "Huh. Beautiful vase." Ada said 

"My grandfather stole it from a brothel in Cairo." 

Ada looked at the vase, "Egyptian. The 18th Dynasty, I think." 

Diana looked surprised as she asked, "How do you know so much about Egyptian vases?" 

"I collect antiques." Ada replied 

"A tribe of Gypsies settles on a clearing in a factory town. Children, of course, ensue in their hundreds, but one of them becomes a gangster and a politician, the other a collector of antiques. It is quite extraordinary. And another, still a gangster are you Mrs Jesus-Gray?" Diana asked 

Gray Gangster- 𝓟𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼Where stories live. Discover now