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Something the Jesus-Gray family knew all to well was following behind wagons, dressed in black holding red roses

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Something the Jesus-Gray family knew all to well was following behind wagons, dressed in black holding red roses. 

When it was an adult like John or Polly it was different they had had a life. But in the space of two weeks the Shelby-Gray-Jesus family had lost two children. 

This time the whole family were being lead by Tommy and Lizzie behind Ruby's wagon

Tommy walked towards the wagon when it stopped in Charlie's yard, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, "Arthur. I've written some words. I can't speak 'em..." He walked over to Arthur, "You're the oldest. You speak 'em for me." 

Arthur shook his head, "I'm sorry, brother. I can't do it." 

Tommy paused before he walked back over to the wagon, Isiah took Lola's hand as he began to speak, "We could have afforded a golden carriage. She deserved a golden carriage. But we didn't afford ourselves that luxury. Because gold doesn't work. That was the last lesson that Ruby taught us. This place was her favourite place in the whole world. And she used to never know what's going to come down the river." And it's true. Little Ruby's fate came a thousand miles too soon. But in her name and in her memory things will change. And whatever comes down the river from now on we will make good...we will make peaceful and honest and good and send it on down the river better than it was. In her memory we will do this. But for now, we send her on, to wherever it is you the hope that if there is a destination...that it's a yard like this, with horses and boats for her to play on." 

Johnny walked towards Tommy, "Tom, I've got the petrol. Who will light the flame?" 

Tommy looked at Jeremiah, "Jeremiah? Jeremiah, you made her laugh. You light the flame." 

Jeremiah nodded as he took the torch from Tommy, Lizzie ran towards the wagon but Tommy grabbed her, "No, no! No!" 


"No, you won't burn her! I just want to see her. I just want to see her face." 

Tommy nodded, "We'll go and see her together. Come on. We'll go and see her together." 

Tommy and Lizzie walked into the wagon, everyone outside stayed quiet. Isiah picked JJ up as the pair walked out again. Tommy held Lizzie and Charles as Jeremiah set the wagon on fire.

Just then Tommy began to walk off, Lizzie started to shout and tried to grab for him but he kept walking, Ada got over to Lizzie and held her as she cried. 

Lola held out her arm and Charles walked over to her, "Come here." Charles hugged Lola, "It's gonna be okay." 

Isiah and Lola looked at each other as Isiah put his free hand on Lola's shoulder

. . . . . . . . . . . 

"I never want to have to do that again." Jeremiah said as he sat down on the sofa in the Jesus-Gray house. 

Lola was sitting with JJ leaning up against her, "And let's hope you never have to." 

"Where did he go? Uncle Tommy?" Ellie asked 

Isiah shrugged his shoulders as Ellie sat down next to him, "Who knows with him. Let's hope a bar and no where stupid." 

Just then the phone rang, Lola leaned over the sofa and picked up the phone that was on the desk, "Lola Jesus-Gray." 

"Polly Gray's daughter?" 

Lola nodded, "Yeah, that's me. Who is this?" 

"Friend of the Boswells. Your cousin went to one of the Barwell camps, with a machinegun. Mowed the lot of them down, Boswell's got caught in the crossfire. Thought you should know." 

Lola groaned as she rubbed her eyes, "Fuck...thank you for telling me." 

As Lola put the phone down Isiah asked, "What was that?" 

Lola looked at him, "Tommy just mowed down the Barwells, Boswells got caught in the crossfire. That man needs to leave people that I'm related to alone." 

. . . . . . . . . . .

Later that day Lola was standing in Molly's room, "I'll make this right, I promise you." 

Just then there was a knock on the door, she walked to the door and opened it, "Oh this is golden." 

Lola grabbed Gina by the collar and pulled her inside pushing her up against the wall, "I forgot how violent you people can be." 

"You're lucky I don't have a gun." Lola said as she took a step back, "But...I do have a fist." Lola balled her hand into a fist and punched Gina around the face, "That's for cheating on my brother." 

Gina groaned as she held her face, "How did you-" 

Lola cut Gina off, "Tommy, he trusts know I never really liked you, my mum never really liked you. You've got thirty seconds to tell me what you want before I punch you again." 

"Wondering if you were coming back to America, Michael's getting out soon." Gina said 

Lola chuckled, "I'd go to America, if it was the last resort. I'll help you break Tommy down, but I'm not going to America." 

Gina looked to her left and saw a black coat on the chair, "What have you been up to today?" 

"Funeral. Another one, is that all you want?" Lola asked 

Gina shook her head, "I want to know where you stand. Jack seems to think you can be trusted, so does Michael. But if there is one thing I know about Grays, they'll do anything for family and Tommy is still your family. That means that you have a loose string, I don't like loose strings, Lola." 

"And I don't like whores who cheat on my brother with a fascist, but here we are...this is what they call a standoff, you don't trust me, I don't trust you. So you can get the fuck out of my house, or I can find that gun, it won't take me long." Lola said 

Gina paused before she nodded and walked back to the door, "Nice to see you, Lola. As always." 

"Wish I could say the same." Lola said as she stood by the door 

Gina turned around, "Tommy Shelby is smarter than he's letting on. If he knows, he's keeping it quiet."  

"Fuck off, Gina. Please and thank you." Lola said as she shut the door behind Gina, "Fuck" 

. . . . . . . . . . .

That night Lola and Isiah were laying together on the sofa, "Can we just stay here, not move. Ever." 

Lola chuckled, "I'd love to." 

Just then a brick got thrown through the window, "Fucking hell!" Isiah groaned

Isiah grabbed his gun as he stood up and walked to the door, Lola stood up after him and did the same. 

As they walked outside there were a group of men outside. Lola threw the brick back at them as Isiah shot in the air, "Get the fuck off our property before I shoot your fucking eyes out!"

Thank you for reading 

Today is the day everyone, I'll be finishing this today so make sure your notifications are on. Three more chapters are coming your way today!!! 

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