Three, Two, One, Bang

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Before the rally Lola and Isiah were in the kitchen of the house, "Arthur asked me what side I was on

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Before the rally Lola and Isiah were in the kitchen of the house, "Arthur asked me what side I was on...there's gonna be a war, and one of them will kill the other. I know that."

Isiah nodded, "I know that if anyone sides with Michael, Tommy will kill them. That includes you and me."

Lola walked towards Isiah, and he hugged her, "I don't want to be on either side. I don't want a war in the family."

"I know. I know."

Just then Molly, Ellie and JJ ran into the room, Isiah laughed as he grabbed JJ as he ran past him lifting him up, "And where do you think you're going?! Come here little man!"

Lola picked Molly up just as there was a car horn from outside, Isiah and Lola looked at each other, "Time for daddy to go." Isiah said as he put JJ down."

Lola put Molly down and walked to the door with Isiah, "Be careful. Please."

Isiah nodded, "I know...Tommy's got the Jews in to help."

"The Jews? Alfie's...he's dead right?" Lola asked

Isiah shrugged, "When's anyone really ever dead? I'll be okay, I've got my dad watching my back."

Lola nodded as she kissed him, "tell everyone to be careful. Aberama mostly. He's going after McCavern."

"Will do." Isiah said as he walked out of the house

Omar then walked towards her, "Something's going down, isn't it?" Lola nodded, "Do I even want to know?"

"No." Lola said as she turned around

. . . . . . . .

That night Lola and Omar were sitting in the living room, "You gotta tell me what's going on here, Lola."

"I'll tell you when it happens." Lola said as she turned the radio on,

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Oswald Mosley...Welcome, men and women of Birmingham. Thank you for coming here on this cold, dark night, in spite of the obstruction and provocation of our enemies. Our enemies deal in bricks and stones and bottles. We deal in reasoned principle, argument and fact. Among those enemies, we can number Mr Winston Churchill, who last night condemned me in the House as a threat to democracy."

"I never did like him. It's the moustache, never have trusted people with moustaches." Omar said

"But then Mr Churchill has never been a friend of the common people. Faced with the alternative of saying goodbye to the gold standard, and therefore to his own employment, he characteristically selected the latter, but of course...not all attending tonight will be convinced of our cause. Some will have come here tonight to find out for themselves what we stand for."

Lola looked at the clock, "Whenever you're ready, Tom."

"So here are our guiding principles. Every citizen shall serve the state. Not the banks, not factions...not the Jews! The barriers of class will be abolished, and a greater Britain will be born of the national socialist and fascist creed. It is useless to hide from ourselves the fact that ever since 1918, when our heroes returned from France, our empire has shown all the signs of disintegration, and our people are threatened by gathering disaster."


Lola looked at the radio when she didn't hear anything

. . . . . . . . . .

Lola was sitting on the couch holding a book which Molly was reading, Isiah was sitting at the desk whilst JJ and Ellie were playing on the floor, suddenly the phone in the hall started to wring, "I got it." Lola said

She stood up and walked out into the hall picking up the phone, "Lola Jesus-Gray."

"Mrs Jesus Gray. I imagine you and your family are curious as to who it was that prevented the assassination last night. A flag of truce has been sent to your cousin's house. It's a unit of volunteers bringing the bodies of your dead to him to send to heaven in your own way. Last night's operation was carried out by soldiers from three Dublin brigades of the Irish Republican Army. We need to keep Mr Mosley alive. That's all you need to know. Also, you should know that saving Mosley's life wasn't our only intervention last night. We've made some changes to the structure of your family's organisation...I would call your cousin, just know that the deaths of your people are Tommy's Shelby's responsibility because he consistently fails to understand his own limitations."

"Who the fuck-"

The phone call then ended, "Who was it?" Isiah asked as he walked out of the study

Lola looked at him, "I don't know." She dialled another number and waited for Tommy to pick up, "Tom? What the fuck is happening, I just a call from an Irish woman telling me to call you...who's dead?"

"Dead?" Isiah asked

"I...I got delivered three bodies. Aberama Gold, Barney and...Lola and Polly."

Lola shook her head, "No...Tom. No, tell me you're lying."

"I'm not Lola-"

Lola put the phone down before looking at Isiah, "Lola? What is it?" Isiah rushed towards her caught her in a hug just as her knees buckled, he lowered them both onto the ground, "What the hell's happened?"

"It's mum...they killed her."

. . . . . . . . . .

At the funeral, Tommy, Arthur, Finn, Curly, Charlie, Jeremiah, Isiah, Ruby, Charles, Molly, Ellie, Ada, Lizzie, Gina and Johnny were standing behind Lola and Michael as they walked towards the wagon with a torch and set it on fire.

Michael took Lola's hand as he looked at the wagon, " was the ambitions and strategies of one man that caused this. And I swear in the name of Almighty matter what it matter how many lies I have to tell...I will take revenge on Tommy Shelby."

"I know I said fuck the Americans; I still believe that but...she's dead because of him. Plan 2. I'm in." 

Thank you for reading

This does mark the end of the season

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