Insane Plans

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Lola was sitting on her own at the bar in the Garrison when Tommy and the rest of the men walked back in, "Took your fucking time

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Lola was sitting on her own at the bar in the Garrison when Tommy and the rest of the men walked back in, "Took your fucking time." 

"Michael and Gina?" Tommy asked 

Lola poured him a drink, "Gone. I was wrong and this may be the only time you hear me say this...I'm sorry." 

Tommy nodded, "Nothing to be sorry for, you did nothing but love your brother." 

Lola slightly smiled, "My husband and Jeremiah?" 

"Taking Barney to Charlie's yard. Telling him that the Jesus's love him." 

Lola chuckled, "That old one huh?" 

"Would you leave us to it?" Tommy asked 

Lola gave him a look, "Whatever you're gonna say you're going to tell Isiah, who's gonna tell me. Let's skip part the part where you tell me to leave." 

Tommy nodded as he walked over to the front of the room as Aberama and Johnny sat down on either side of Lola, "All right, so item number three. An introduction. Except now you've already met the man I was going to introduce. In France, he was a comrade." 

"What the fuck is he now, Tom?" Johnny asked 

Tommy looked at him and said, "He's a man we can use, Johnny." 

"For what?" 

"Put him in a ring with a bear and take bets on the outcome." Tommy answered 

Aberama chuckled as Lola handed him a drink, "Thank you. I tell you, I wouldn't put much money on the fucking bear." 

"Aberama, that man is a trained Royal Marine sniper. Furthermore, he has a criminal profile which will make his actions explicable to the police." Tommy explained 

Lola looked confused as she asked, "What actions?" 

"A killing." 

"And since when did you worry about the police?" Aberama asked 

"Barney going to kill an MP. Possibly the future prime minister of Great Britain." Tommy said 

Lola stood up, "What the fuck, Tom?" 

Tommy ignored Lola and continued talking sitting down at a table with Arthur, "After the killing, there will be an investigation by Special Branch and intelligence forces. There will be a lot of powerful people as angry as fucking hornets. We need there to be no connection to us. Barney Thomason is registered as criminally insane. He broke out. He's an old soldier. He has known grievances. No-one will question that the assassination was carried out by a single gun acting alone." 

"And you'd sacrifice an old comrade?" Johny asked 

Tommy nodded, "If they catch him, they won't hang him on grounds of insanity, just send him back to where I found him. He'll have had a very eventful holiday that he'll probably believe never really happened." 

"And where will this kill take place?" Aberama asked 

Arthur stood up and handed Aberama a piece of paper, "There you go." 

"He'll be on stage." Tommy answered 

Lola took the flyer from Aberama as he said, "With lots...of witnesses." 

"During the rally, there will be an anti-fascist demonstration. Amidst the confusion, a shot will be fired." Tommy said 

Aberama nodded, "And we're organising this demonstration?" 


"And where will you be, Tom?" Johnny asked 

Tommy looked over to him and said, "'ll be down on one knee, cradling his head...while the life drains from him. Then I'll make a speech...saying how the cause he died for must continue...continue safe in my hands." 

"Holy fuck. Tommy..." Lola trailed off as she poured herself another drink 

Aberama seemed to agree with Lola as he said, "Does your ambition have no limits?" 

"Jimmy McCavern will be running security at this event. He'll probably be in the wings. You can take his life in whichever manner you choose." Tommy said and Aberama stayed quiet

"What do you want us to do, Tom?" Johny asked 

"You and Arthur and a couple of the Lee boys, you'll be in charge of getting Barney into position. He'll be up in the lighting gantry."

Johny scoffed, "We'll need chains and a twitch, Tom."

Tommy shook his head, "No. I will medicate him."

"So he's going to be cross-eyed when he takes the shot?" Lola asked

"In France, he never matter what they gave him. He'll have had plenty of target practise. Before he takes the shot, Arthur here will give him some cocaine to sharpen him up." 

"I'm sorry let me get this straight because this sounds like a madman is talking. So just...You're going to be up on the stage while this criminally insane gunman filled with cocaine takes aim at a man just a yard away from you? Do you not hear how insane this sounds?" Lola asked and Tommy nodded, she looked at Aberama, "Welcome to the family, Aberama." 

"What about me, Thomas? The man with the broken fucking leg." Charlie asked 

"After the killing, every copper in Birmingham will be sent to Bingley Hall. Use that opportunity to get that boat full of opium up to Stourbridge locks. There, you'll be met by some Chinese gentlemen. They will have two suitcases full of cash. £250,000. Every man and woman in this room, plus the two that aren't here will receive 30,000 in cash, in recognition of extra services." 

"Holy Mary, Mother of God, Tom!" Johnny chuckled, "Good man." 

"Anyone who want to leave, leave now." Tommy said, he looked over at Lola, "Anyone who is tired of this old-fashioned, backstreet fucking razor gang can leave. Anyone who's tired can fucking stop." When no one moved he nodded, "Good. Charlie, go to the yard and light a fire. Johnny, bring the van around."

"What's the fire for, Tom?" Charlie asked 

Johnny laughed as he left the bar

"There is an item number four. It's time." Tomy said 

Aberama picked up his hat, he held out his arm for Lola, "Shall we?" 

Lola nodded as she took his arm and walked out of the Garrison, "You know there was a time where I would not be seen sitting at the same table as you." 

"And now?" Aberama asked as they walked down the street 

Lola paused before she said, "Now...I think you make my mum happy. Therefore, you make me happy. So welcome to the family. We're having a get together on the weekend, after the rally. Me, mum and the kids. You are more than welcome to join, so you can meet them without pulling a bullet out of my cousins' arm." 

Aberama chuckled, "It would be an honour...your family, do they always make plans as crazy as this?" 

Lola shook her head, "Not recently. Sometimes I think I'm the only sane one." 

Thank you for reading 

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