Jimmy McCavern

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"I don't like this

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"I don't like this. I really don't like this, Jimmy fucking McCavern is in my back garden, and my cousin is using my husband, your son as a fear tactic and now said cousin is meeting with a Chinese...whilst I sit here with my three kids in a bar...the world has gone bloody insane." Lola said as she was sitting in one of the booths in the Garrison 

Jeremiah chuckled as he bounced JJ on his knee, "I think my dear, you're going insane is the more logical explanation. Stuck in the house." 

"Don't remind me. Fucking Gina, it's the accent, I hate the accent. I want to slap the accent." Lola said 

Jeremiah chuckled as Lola moved Molly off of her lap to sit on the seat whilst Ellie was drawing on a piece of paper, "But..." Jeremiah trailed off 

"But...she's my brother's wife. And I love my brother so I tolerate the wife." Lola said 

Jeremiah nodded as Finn rushed into the bar and the meeting room, the second the door shut there was a gunshot, Lola quickly stood up rushed around the bar, and opened the window seeing Arthur and Tommy holding Finn against the wall, "What was that!" 

Lola rolled her eyes as Tommy said, "You didn't piss yourself. He didn't piss himself, Arthur." 

Arthur tapped Finn's face, "Well done, Finn. Lola look he didn't piss himself."

"Yes and we're all very proud, what is going on?" Lola asked  

"You had a dispute with a lady and you didn't piss yourself and Arthur here tells me we should put you on the tracks. It'll be a good day for you, after all, Finn." Tommy said, ignoring Lola's comment 

Arthur snatched the gun out of Finn's hand, "Give me that." He tossed it to the window and Lola caught it before emptying the bullets onto the counter

Tommy pointed at Finn, "Always have your whores searched at the door." 

"If I see that bitch on the street, I'll fucking cut her, yeah?" 

"All right come on," Arthur said as he pushed Finn out of the door 

Lola walked around the bar and grabbed Finn's arm, "I already have three kids, I don't need a fourth come on. Jeremiah can you?" 

Jeremiah nodded, "Always happy too." 

. . . . . . . .

Later that day Tommy, Lola and Arthur were in the yard, "What the hell was that earlier?" 

"All will be explained when your mother gets here," Tommy said 

Just then Polly walked toward them barefoot, "Not feeling shoes today?" Lola asked 

"I'm sorry for calling the meeting here, but the location is part of the deal," Tommy said 

"What fucking deal." Arthur and Lola said at the same time 

Tommy looked at Polly and said, "How does it feel to be barefoot in the mud again, Pol?" 

Polly smiled, "It makes me feel young. What fucking deal?" 

"Four boats. Four days. Up the Grand Union from Poplar to here. Half the cargo is coal and underneath the coal, pure opium crystal." Tommy said 

Lola scoffed, "Opium? I vote against it." 

"They can't use trucks because the Chinese drivers get stopped by the police. They need to get it out of London because all the warehouses are being searched by Customs. The seven tonnes is bound for San Francisco, but the outward ship from Liverpool doesn't sail for seven days. They need somewhere safe to store it. All we have to do is take it up the canal and keep it here for a week." Tommy continued 

Arthur shook his head, "We don't fuck with the Chinese, though, Tom. Dad always said it. " 

"Ask yourself, would he turn down £250,000, to drive four boats up the canal with no prospect of inspection?" Tommy said 

Arthur looked at Tommy before saying, "My votes against it, Tom." Polly? £250,000. That's half of what Michael lost in Chicago. I will ask him to take charge of this business." 

"Michael's position will be reinstated in the company?" Polly asked 

Tommy nodded, "His period of quarantine would be over." He then looked at Arthur, "Think about it, brother. Four boats sailing up the cut, smelling of wood smoke and bacon." 

"And which one of Charlie's Gypsy didicoy friends do you trust, Tom, with a cargo worth £250,000 million? At least get one of Johnny's." Lola said 

Tommy shook his head and said, "I've already made provision. I'm needed at a meeting. Let's vote. Those in favour." Tommy raised his hand, then Polly.

"I'm sorry," Lola said as she raised her hand 

Tommy nodded, "Motion carried. Arthur, tell Charlie we need four boats and four tonnes of coal before it gets dark. They sail south tonight. And don't forget to go to the Bull Ring and get them three songbirds, Arthur." 

Polly and Tommy then walked off in different directions leaving Lola and Arthur, "Look-" 

Lola was cut off by Arthur kicking the fire pit over scattering hot coals everywhere, "Oh well that will help." 

"What have you heard, Lo?" Arthur asked 

Lola paused before she said, "The man you cut went to the police...but we dealt with it." 

"Is she with him?" Arthur asked 

Lola shook her head, "If she was, it would be your fault, Arthur. But they say his face is so badly cut he's hard to look at. So I would say not. I would also say it is time to give up on Linda, find someone else...who might be able to put your fires out." 

"I can't, though, Lola. I fucking can't! And that's it. That's it." 

Lola walked past Arthur and started to walk down the street where a few seconds later Isiah joined her, "Jimmy McCavern was in our damn back garden, I was there standing with a shotgun silently threatening him because apparently, that's what I'm good at, threatening. Oh and this is funny Tommy has invited us to a ballet at his house."

"A ballet?" Lola asked 

Isiah nodded, "He's clearly trying to impress someone." 

Just then they head, "Afternoon, family. Why the hell was there an Irish man in the back garden?" 

Lola looked back and saw Omar walking towards them, "Don't ask. You don't happen to have an aversion to Irish men do you?" 

"Depends on my mood." 

Isiah nodded, "Lovely. Quick question. Am I good at threatening?" 

Omar paused before he nodded, "Yes. Definitley." 

Thank you for reading 

Sorry this took me so long, I couldn't tell you when the next one will be up but it'll happen eventually, just writers block and not much motivation is happening rn

That last little bit is so cute to me for some reaso

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