Final Act

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Lola got out of a car and walked into the bar, "Michael Gray, aren't you a sight for sore eyes

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Lola got out of a car and walked into the bar, "Michael Gray, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Michael turned around at the bar and saw Lola, "I thought you weren't coming?" He stood up, walked over to her and hugged her

Lola shrugged and said, "He found out. Pretty sure he would've killed me if I stayed."

"Nice flight?" Michael asked

Lola gave him a look as the pair walked over to the bar, the barman poured Lola a drink as she said, "I prefer horses. Tommy shouldn't be too far behind me...tell me you've changed the plan?"

Michael nodded, "I are you doing? About all of this?"

"I'll deal with it when it's done...Arthur's taking out the IRA woman, the one who ordered the hall to be blown and the assassinations on mum and Aberama. We've just got one more devil after that." Lola said

Just then the door opened, "And here he is." Michael said,

"How was the flight?" One of the men asked

"They say it's the future, I'm not so sure." Tommy said, he walked over to the bar and sat down, "Hello, Michael, Lola.

Lola nodded, "Tommy."

"We want you to take us to where the opium is being stored." Michael said

"And then we will provide you with a banker's draft for the full amount."

"$5 million."

Michael nodded as he picked up his hat, "$5 million."

"I will let you men deal with the business, then I'll meet you back at the suite and we can discuss the options." Lola said as she picked her glass, Michael nodded as he began to walk to the door

Lola looked up at Tommy who was still at the bar, "Everything I've done the last five years, just tell me that you understand why?"

Tommy nodded, "I do understand...doesn't mean I forgive it."

Tommy, Michael and the rest of the men walked out of the bar, Lola leaned her head on her hand as she barman walked over to her and took her glass, "Another one Mrs Jesus-Gray?"

Lola nodded, "Please, and I'm pretty sure it's just Gray now. Highly doubt my husband wants anything to do with me."

Michael then walked back into the pub and sat down next to her, the pair then ducked as the windows got blown in, "What in the fuck was that?!" Lola asked

"The plan." Michael said

Lola looked at him and gave him a look, "We're meant to kill him. Not blow ourselves up in the process."

The barman put two glasses down on the table, Michael picked one up, "'s done. It's over. And may God forgive me."

Lola finished her drink and put her glass down before the pair stood up and walked towards the door of the bar.

They walked out and saw Tommy standing in front of them with the second car up in flames, Tommy took out his gun and pointed it at them, "Johnny! Johnny, where are you?"

Johnny then walked towards them, "I switched the ticker like you said, Tom. Tell me I've done a good thing here, Tom."

Tommy kept his gun pointed at Michael and Lola, Lola looked at Johnny, "You're a good man, Johnny."

"Goodbye, Lola." Johnny said

Lola nodded, "Bye, Johnny."

"I'm going to go look at the fog, Tom." Johnny said as he walked off

Lola turned her attention back to the Gray's as he said, "Speak to me. Speak to me, Michael."

"You killed her." Michael said

Tommy shook her head, "The IRA killed her, Lola you know that. Polly made her own choices."

"No...No-one close to you makes a choice without your opinion, Tom. Not Arthur, not me, not Lola, not Ada. We can't escape you. Your lethal hand is always on our shoulders." Michael said

Tommy paused before he said, "Polly was half of me. Still visits me in my dreams. She'll visit me no more. Just know one thing Michael, you did this. You killed your sister"

Lola shouted and quickly turned around as Tommy raised his gun and shot Michael through the eye, "I have no limitations." Tommy said, "Lola, talk to me...Lola!"

Lola took a deep breath as she looked at Tommy, "Nothing I will ever say, will make it any better in your head."

"You lost your way. But instead of asking for help from your family. You betrayed your family. You betrayed your kids, your husband, your cousins and your friends." Tommy said, "Give me a reason to let you go."

Lola wiped the tears off of her face before she said, "I didn't' betray anyone, I played the game. And I played it fucking well. You and I both know the minute I turn around you're gonna shoot me." She walked towards Tommy and stood in front of him, "Like I said, nothing I could say, will change your mind. Because I know you, better than you think I do."

Tommy raised his gun and put his barrel on her chest, "I trusted you were my sister. I loved you like you were one too."

"And I loved you, like you were my brother because you were, so was John and so was Arthur. Love is what drove me to this. I don't regret it Tom. And I'm not gonna beg for my life, because I saw the way you just...the way you just shot Michael and I've seen the way you've killed people. So I'm not gonna beg, I know it puts you off. If you're gonna do it, do it. My kids won't be alone, that is what matters right now."

"You betrayed me one too many time, Lola." Tommy said

He fired one shot, Lola gasped as Tommy grabbed her and lowered her to the ground, "You're gonna have to live with this." Lola said

Tommy laid Lola down on the ground as she closed her eyes for the final time, he sat down on the ground beside her and looked at his two cousins, one that he hated and one that was his sister.

"By order of the Peaky fucking Blinders."

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