It was all gone

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"Lizzie called, Ruby's better and Tommy's back

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"Lizzie called, Ruby's better and Tommy's back." Isiah said as he walked toward Lola who was walking around the garden on the horse 

Lola looked down at Isiah, "Molly's out with Omar and your dad down at that market, JJ is with Johnny which might just be the worst decision we've ever made, and Ellie is with Ada and get up here." 

"I don't fucking think so." Isiah said 

Lola smiled, "Come on. It's easy." 

Isiah nodded, "Yeah, for you. You were born in a boat." 

"Do you hear what you just said?" Lola asked 

Isiah paused before he laughed and said, "Yeah, that makes no sense at all. But I am not getting on that thing." 

"Come on, it's fun. I swear." Lola said 

Isiah walked towards the horse and grabbed Lola's arm, "Fine..." 

Lola smiled as she helped Isiah up behind her, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, "If I fall, I'm taking you down with me." 

Isiah rested his chin on Lola's shoulder as she glanced back at him, "You'll be fine we'll go slowly." 

Lola nudged the horse and she started to walk slowly forwards, "I prefer to watch you." Isiah said as he was gripping Lola 

"You might want to hold on a bit tighter." Lola said with a smile 

Isiah looked at her, "What? Why? What are you doing?" 

Lola nudged the horse again and she began to ride faster around the field, "Fuck! Lola come on!" 

Lola laughed as she leaned back on Isiah, "Relax..." The horse slowed down and she smiled up at him, "You think I'd let anything happen to you?" 

. . . . . . . . . 

Later that day Lola and Isiah were sitting on the sofa in the living room, Lola leaned forward and turned the radio on, "Let's see what bollocks the news has to say today." 

"In recent news that street market taking place in the streets has been the victim of a bomb attack, many people dead and even more wounded, suspicion has landed on the Irish Republican Army but that has yet to be confirmed. Keep listening for more updates." 

Lola looked up at Isiah, "Siah..." 

Isiah ran out of the room towards the phone, "Come on...come on dad pick up...dammit! Where the hell is he?!" 

Lola ran into the study and picked up the phone in there, "Charlie! Charlie thank fuck, what the hell's happened we heard on the radio." 

"I don't fucking know! One minute it was fine, I was drinking some whiskey and the next I heard the explosions." 

"Charlie, I need you to listen to me real hard right now. Molly, Omar and Jeremiah are down there, we're on our way down but I need you try to find them. Please, Charlie." 

"I can do that." 

Lola nodded, "Thank you." She put the phone down and walked out of the room, "Let's go." 

. . . . . . . . . .

Isiah parked the car in front of Charlie's yard, he and Lola got out and ran down the road towards the hall where the market was taking place, Isiah grabbed Lola to stop her when they saw that the whole place was up in flames with the ceiling collapsing in on itself. 

"Dad." Isiah said as he ran towards Jeremiah who was sitting on the street corner 

Lola followed him, "Jeremiah, what happened?" 

"I left...I left for one second...I-I came back, and it was gone. It was all gone. I don't know what happened." 

Isiah crouched down in front of Jeremiah, " where's Molly? Where's Omar?" 

Jeremiah looked up at the hall, Lola turned around and was immediately pulled toward Charlie who hugged her 

Isiah fell down to his knees and Jeremiah grabbed him, pulling him towards him. 

The people on the street screamed and jumped back at the hall fully collapsed to the ground, Charlie pulled Lola back. 

It was as if they were the same people, Isiah was crying into Jeremiah's shoulder and Lola was crying into Charlies. Charlie lowered Lola onto the ground and held the back of her head, "I...I am so sorry." 

Thank you for ready 

This one is short, but sad 

I wasn't originally going to do this but here we are 

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