We've got to stop them

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Tommy and Arthur carried Linda into the dining room, "Clear this shit! Clear it!" Arthur shouted 

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Tommy and Arthur carried Linda into the dining room, "Clear this shit! Clear it!" Arthur shouted 

Isiah and Lola started to push all of the plates and glasses off of the table, Isiah swept away the glass with his sleeve as Arthur and Tommy put Linda down on the table

Linda shouted in pain as Tommy looked at her arm, "Linda!" Arthur got down on his knees in front of Linda's head looking down at her, "I would've taken your bullet. I deserve the bullet." 

Tommy pushed Arthur back as Linda shouted, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!" 

"Linda! Linda, look at me. Linda, you've got a kid. If you die, he'll come to us to raise. You hear me?" Tommy asked 

Arthur got back down in front of Linda, "I used a Derringer." 

Tommy nodded as he looked at Linda's arm, "It's still in there, right above the bone." 

"Mr Shelby your guests..." 

Everyone looked up and saw Mosely at the door, "Get him out. Arthur. Family only! Get him out!" 

"Mr Shelby, on your behalf-" 

Mosely was cut off by Arthur pointing a gun at him, "Get out! Get out!" 

"Lizzie, go to the kitchen, get some iodine. Now! Go!"

Lizzie nodded as she quickly walked out of the room, Lola handed Tommy a cloth and he put it towards Linda's mouth, "Linda. You'll have to bite on this." 

Linda put the cloth in her mouth, "All right. Now it's really going to hurt. One. Two. Three." 

The cloth muffled Linda's screams as Tommy went into her arm to pull out the bullet, "All right. All right. Almost there." 

Tommy looked at Arthur as Isiah handed him a glass of whiskey, "Hold her." Linda screamed as Tommy poured the whiskey on her arm 

"Is she gonna be all right, Tom?" Arthur asked as he was holding Linda's head 

Tommy nodded, "Yeah." 

Everyone then walked out of the room leaving Arthur and Linda alone, Polly linked her arm with Lola's and pulled her to the side, "Aberama proposed." 

"He did what?" Lola asked 

Polly nodded as she showed Lola her ring, "One knee and everything." 

"Aberama Gold is going to be my fucking step-dad. Johnny is going to have a fit."

"Why's Johnny going to have a fit?" Isiah asked as he walked over to the pair 

Polly smiled as she showed him her ring, "Aberama." 

"Fucking hell Pol. Still got it huh?" 

Polly hit Isiah on the chest, "Cheeky bastard." 

. . . . . . . . . 

The next day Lola walked into Tommy's office just as Ben walked down the stairs, "Ben. Hi." 

"Good morning, Lola. How are the kids?" Ben asked 

Lola smiled and said, "I left the house with them running rings around Isiah. So just the normal, I'll see you later I need a word with Tommy." 

Lola then started to walk up the stairs as Ben nodded, "See you later." 

She walked into Tommy's office as he was sitting down at his desk, "Why are you dealing with men like Oswald Mosely, he's crazy at best, dangerous at most." 

"You're just going to have to trust me with that one." Tommy said 

Before Lola could say anything there was an explosion from outside which blew the windows in, the pair ducked as glass shattered into the office, "You alright?!" Tommy shouted 

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." Lola said as she stood up, "Tommy...Ben." 

The pair ran outside and saw Ben's car in flames, "Call an ambulance! Call Moss! Find out where I can reach him. Go!" 

Lola ran down the street to the phone box, "I need Moss! Now!" 

. . . . . . . . . . .

Later that day Lola walked into Michael's room, he stood up when he saw the soot over her, "What the fuck happened to you?" 

"Ben...his car got blown up with him inside. A kid died." Lola said 

Michael sighed as he stood up, walked over to Lola and hugged her, the pair sat down on the bed and Michael said, "Anyone he touches... Which means anyone you touch. Which means anyone any of us touch. Ends up dead." 

"He was decent and good, he helped when I needed it the most, he didn't deserve us. Tommy pushed him to report on the fascists. He didn't want to do it; I know he didn't. Tommy thought it was the right thing to do and as a result. Section D or the branch or Intelligence had him killed. Along with a ten-year-old boy. If he had stuck to what he does, that boy would still be kicking a ball in the street." Lola said 

Michael nodded, "I know. Where's Isiah?" 

"Out with Arthur doing god knows what." Lola said, "This has gone way too far. Who's gonna be next? You? Me?"

"It's not gonna stop, so we've got to stop them." Michael said 

Lola looked at him, "What are you on about?" 

Michael paused before he said, "We need you. Me and Gina, we have a plan a way to stop this, to go back to what it was. But we can't do it without you. You know the books the numbers." 

"Mike...if you do what I think you're going to do there will be no coming back from it. They will kick you out that's just if they're feeling nice." Lola said 

Michael nodded, "I know. When I first came here all I wanted was to be like the people here, Tommy, Arthur, John, You. Now...now we need to fix this. You and me, come on. You said it yourself. If Tommy had stuck to what he does best, then that boy would still be alive." 

Thank you for reading 

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