Goodbye for Good

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In the Garrison, curly, Johnny, Jeremiah, Isiah, Lola, Michael, Gina and Polly were waiting, Arthur and Finn then walked in with Arthur saying, "You're not eating right

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In the Garrison, curly, Johnny, Jeremiah, Isiah, Lola, Michael, Gina and Polly were waiting, Arthur and Finn then walked in with Arthur saying, "You're not eating right. You're not eating right. You're not getting the natural things in you, boy, that's what it is, always." 

Arthur bumped into Michael's chair as he walked past and sat at the bar, "You bearing up, Arthur?" 

"Bearing up for what?" Arthur asked, "Bearing up to being free, Pol. Another glass, eh? Another glass of so what." 

Charlie then walked in and Curly stood up, "Are you all right, Charlie?" 

"Mad bastard Barney kicked me in the shin when I woke him up." Charlie explained 

Charlie groaned as he sat down just as Curly poured him a drink, "Where is the mad bastard?"

"He's tied to a lamp post outside with three Lee boys, shitting themselves." Charlie answered 

Isiah looked over at him, "No change there then." Lola smiled as Charlie laughed

Tommy then walked in and the laughing stopped, "First of all, an apology from Lizzie she can't be here. Charles has a violin concert. Also, a welcome to Mr Aberama Gold. He and Polly are to be married in three weeks, with my blessing. From now on, Aberama will be welcome at our meetings. First item of business, a bereavement. Colonel Ben Younger, who may perhaps have become a member of this family, was taken from us, four days ago, by dark forces. We've made some investigations, and we think we know who planted the bomb. In the meantime, our thoughts are with Ada and the baby inside of her, who may one day sit at these meetings, but hopefully under happier circumstances." 

Polly poured herself a drink saying, "Let's drink to happier circumstances." 

Everyone picked up their glasses and held them, "To Ada." 

"Item number two. An announcement, regarding Michael." 

Michael spoke up saying, "Before you go on, Tommy, there's something I'd like to say to the whole family directly, regarding finances and the future of this company. According to your own estimations, this new venture of the delivery and shipment of opium will bring into the company around £2 million per year. Therefore, due to the amounts involved, I think this company should be restructured." 

"Michael, I think this can wait till outside the family meeting." Polly said 

Tommy ignored Polly and looked at Michael, "Restructured in what way?" 

"Because of the amounts of money involved, shipment and dispatch will become the primary source of income to the company. It's simple mathematics." Gina said 

Michael nodded as he stood up and walked behind Gina, "And with the help of my wife, I will organise an expansion into America, where the narcotics business is just beginning to grow. See, I have very good contacts in Detroit, New York, Boston, who I've already spoken to about this. And Gina has family who are very experienced in this kind of business. According to the conversations I've had with them, with a regular supply of pure opium from China, within a short space of time, the American narcotics business will bring in 20 million per annum...Enough money for you to all enjoy an easing of the burden you all now feel...See, I know that the scars and the wounds, they're on the inside, not on the outside. And as a member of the new generation, I'm able to take that great burden off your weary shoulders. A new decade is coming. There'll be new opportunities in new territories. More money than we've ever had before. Tommy, you can still do the good work that deep down you want to do." 

Michael turned to look at Polly, "Mum, you can get married and live in that big house." He looked at Lola and Isiah, "Lo, Isiah you could live in your house with your kids not worrying about when the next shootout is happening." 

Isiah and Lola looked at each other as Michael looked at Arthur, "Arthur, you can be the man that Linda wants you to be." 

Arthur snorted, "Fuck Linda." 

"Finn. You've proved yourself. You're part of the new generation. You could come to New York, with me." Gina held a file over her shoulder and Michael took it putting it down in front of Tommy, "Here is my proposal. A full restructuring of the company. I will be managing director...and you can be nonexecutive chairman, but under an assumed name, to protect your reputation. I've found the name of a dead man." 

Lola sighed, "Oh Michel." 

"You will be registered as Mr Jones. You will each receive a percentage of the profits as an annuity, and you will no longer have to engage in any of the associated activities." Michael said, he picked up the file and held it out to Tommy, "Take a look at the future, Tommy. At least read it with an open mind." 

Tommy took the file and threw it in the fire, "It's cold in here, Michael." 

Johnny laughed as the file went up in flames, Lola looked back, "Can you not be serious for two seconds, come on Johnny." 

Johnny smiled, "I'm not sorry, Lola." 

Lola smiled and shook her head as Michael said, "Tommy, the Americans want to deal with me-" 

Tommy cut Michael off, "Item number three..." 

"Tell him the truth. Go on. He can take it." Gina said 

Tommy turned to Michael, "Tell me the truth, Michael." 

Michael sighed and said, "The Americans don't want to deal with an old-fashioned, backstreet razor gang. Those days are done." 

One of the men then ran into the bar, "Tommy. He's bitten through the fucking rope. They've got him cornered, but they need help." 

"Go and get him!" Tommy shouted 

Isiah kissed Lola on the cheek as he, Johnny, Jeremiah, Curly, Charlie and Arthur stood up 

Arthur stood directly to the side of Michael, "Fuck the Americans." 

Tommy leaned on the fire place as Michael said, "I'm doing this for you, Tommy. It's time. And you know it. Tommy, Mum's leaving, John's dead, Arthur needs help, Ada's man was killed in your own back yard because you fucked up." 

Gina winced as Tommy picked up the bottle of whiskey and threw it in the fire, he quickly turned around to Michael who was holding a knife, "Go on, Tom. Go on, cut me. Like the good old days. Or...see this for what it is. A natural succession...that someday must happen." 

"I gave you an opportunity, Michael, you've betrayed me. Don't be here when I get back." Tommy said, he looked at Gina, "You...You can tell your family-" 

Gina cut Tommy off, "Let me guess. Don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders. Right?" 

Tommy then walked out of the Garrison, Polly stood up and slapped Michael around the face before walking out, "Well...guess we're going to be forced to take the second option." Gina said 

"The second option? You're out of your fucking minds. I'm not playing this game, Mike. I love you; I do but this is insane." Lola said, she walked over to Gina and stood in front of her, "Fuck the Americans." 

Thank you for reading 

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