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I wake up and it's dark outside, I look at my phone and it's only 10:27pm. My throat is dry so I get up and go downstairs, I get some apple juice and head someone come downstairs.

Daniel: who is it?
??: hello?
Daniel: hello?
??: sorry
Daniel: it's okay *I turn the light on and see Y/n*
Y/n: Daniel?
Daniel: Y/n?
Y/n: umm
Daniel: what are you doing here?
Y/n: wait, you're Anna's brother
Daniel: yeah, wait you're the girl Anna has been talking about
Y/n: that's me
Daniel: I had no idea
Y/n: it's okay I didn't either
Daniel: you okay?
Y/n: yeah sorry I just came to get a drink
Daniel: want some apple juice?
Y/n: omg yes my favourite
Daniel: same here

Daniel gets me a glass of apple juice and we sit down together. We start talking and we get to know each other. I learn that he's in a bad called why don't we and that he's 23 years old.

Y/n: wow it's nearly 2am
Daniel: oh wow
Y/n: I should probably go back to bed, Anna is probably looking for me
Daniel: don't worry, she's a heavy sleeper
Y/n: hey um I'm gonna staying for a while
Daniel: yessss I mean- that's fun
Y/n: maybe we can hangout sometime
Daniel: sure, how about tomorrow? Me, you and Anna can get ice cream or something
Y/n: yeah sure
Daniel: hey're really pretty
Y/n: thankyou, you're umm hot
Daniel: how do you know?
Y/n: you don't have a shirt on dummy
Daniel: oh yeah well you like what you see?
Y/n: maybe I do
Daniel: come closer
Y/n: why?
Daniel: don't be scared *I move closer to him and he holds my waist*
Y/n: you okay?
Daniel: yeah

Me and Y/n look into each other's eyes and we slowly lean in, our lips touch and Y/n wraps her arms around my neck. Our lips move in sync and I pick her up.

??: anyone down here?
Daniel: oh shit
Y/n: who is that?
Daniel: my mom *We slowly move away and I put Y/n down*
Keri: Daniel, Y/n?
Daniel: hey mom
Keri: everything okay?
Y/n: yeah sorry I just came down to get a drink and then I lost track of time
Keri: it's okay honey
Daniel: Y/n, I'll take you back to Anna's room
Keri: actually, Dani can Y/n stay in your room for tonight?
Daniel: is everything okay?
Keri: Anna is sick
Y/n: aww hopefully she gets better tomorrow
Keri: yeah
Daniel: come on it's late
Y/n: okay

??: anyone down here?Daniel: oh shitY/n: who is that?Daniel: my mom *We slowly move away and I put Y/n down*Keri: Daniel, Y/n?Daniel: hey momKeri: everything okay?Y/n: yeah sorry I just came down to get a drink and then I lost track of time Keri: ...

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