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It's now May 27th and it's Zach's birthday and Y/n is coming back but this time...for good. Anna doesn't know because Y/n wants to surprise her and I'm currently on my way to pick Y/n up from the airport.

Anna: where are you going?
Daniel: me?
Anna: yeah you
Daniel: out quickly
Anna: okay well hurry because Y/n will be at the airport soon
Daniel: oh yeah I forgot I'm taking you
Anna: yeah *I leave and go to the airport, when I get there I see Y/n waiting with her bags*
Daniel: hiii
Y/n: Daniiii
Daniel: long time
Y/n: it's only been 5 days
Daniel: that's to long for me
Y/n: aww, how's Anna?
Daniel: she doesn't know you're coming
Y/n: you managed to keep a secret
Daniel: it was very hard but yes
Y/n: aww
Daniel: I missed you
Y/n: I missed you too
Daniel: can I kiss you?
Y/n: mmm yeah

Daniel leans in and kisses me and I kiss back, after a while we slowly pull away and we go to his car. Daniel helps put my bags in the car and we leave the airport.

Daniel: you ready?
Y/n: I think so *We walk in the house and Anna looks at us*
Anna: what?
Y/n: surprise!
Anna: wait Y/n?
Y/n: hi babes
Anna: omg it's really you
Y/n: yes it's really me
Anna: omg!
Y/n: bestie!
Anna: I missed you!
Y/n: aww I missed you too!
Anna: omg we need to get ready
Y/n: why?
Anna: Zach's party
Y/n: it starts in like 10 hours
Anna: yeah and it's already 11am now
Daniel: go get ready, i know you girls take a long time
Y/n: hey that's mean

Y/n and Anna go upstairs and the boys come around well except Zach, we all go to the venue and start setting it up.

Jack: wow Zach really isn't a baby anymore
Daniel: he's 21 now
Jonah: wow that makes me old
Daniel: yeah you're turning 24 next month
Jonah: oh wow
Daniel: okay let's get this place ready
Jack: yeah
Corbyn: guys Lera wants to invite Franny
Daniel: he'll no
Corbyn: why?
Daniel: there can't be another fight tonight with Franny and Y/n especially because it's Zach's birthday
Corbyn: okay true
Jonah: are we inviting Kay?
Jack: no
Daniel: agreed
Jack: plus Zach's happy now and he said he doesn't want Kay to come because she will ruin it for him
Jonah: I respect his decision

Jack: wow Zach really isn't a baby anymore Daniel: he's 21 nowJonah: wow that makes me oldDaniel: yeah you're turning 24 next month Jonah: oh wowDaniel: okay let's get this place ready Jack: yeah Corbyn: guys Lera wants to invite FrannyDaniel: he'...

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@official.y/n: LA I'm back❤️
Liked by @seaveydaniel, @anna.seavey, @corbynbesson and 98,724 other
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seavey, @corbynbesson and 98,724 other Comments disabled

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@wdwtea: @official.y/n and @seaveydaniel caught kissing at the airport! Do you think it will last?
Liked by 24,234 others
@wdwfan: leave them alone
@hater1: disgusting 🤮
@fan1: they're adorable

y/n and @seaveydaniel caught kissing at the airport! Do you think it will last? Liked by 24,234 others @wdwfan: leave them alone @hater1: disgusting 🤮 @fan1: they're adorable

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