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The other boys come over and we all sit at the table and start eating, Y/n sits next to me and I hold her hand under the table.

Y/n: so, how's the pizza?
Zach: amazing
Anna: mmmm gorgeous
Jonah: wow
Y/n: Dani?
Daniel: babe this is the best
Anna: babe?
Corbyn: did we miss something?
Daniel: umm no
Y/n: you guys didn't miss anything
Jonah: yeah don't believe you
Christian: neither
Daniel: guys
Anna: I mean..if you're dating it's fine
Daniel: Anna
Anna: no you guys like each other
Keri: hey if Dani and Y/n say nothing is going on then nothing is going on
Tyler: for now
Y/n: okay well anyone want water?
Daniel: I'll help you
Jack: cuties

Me and Dani walk to kitchen since everyone else was in the dining room, Dani holds my hand and makes me look at him.

Daniel: hey you okay?
Y/n: yeah I'm good
Daniel: you sure?
Y/n: I promise you I'm fine
Daniel: okay but you will tell me if something is wrong right
Y/n: I promise
Daniel: okay *We go back to the table and finish eating*
Keri: thankyou Y/n that was amazing
Y/n: thankyou Keri
Jack: so Y/n, you're staying in LA
Y/n: yeah I am
Anna: and I'm so happy
Jonah: so where will you be staying?
Y/n: at a-
Daniel: here
Anna: yayyy
Y/n: I thought we agreed I would stay at a hotel for now
Daniel: why? There's enough room here
Keri: there is enough room
Daniel: and I know Anna will want you to stay here
Anna: pleaseeeee
Y/n: okay yes I'll stay

We all finished eating and the other boys went home except Zach who's staying with Anna so Y/n is staying with me.

Daniel: right me and Y/n are going to bed
Anna: have fun but not to much
Y/n: ewww Anna
Anna: whatttt and use protection
Y/n: Zachary
Zach: yes?
Y/n: even though I'm not Anna's mother if you do anything make sure you use protection
Anna: don't worry we will
Daniel: and please don't be to loud
Zach: we'll try
Y/n: okay come on Dani
Daniel: coming mommy
Anna: ewww
Zach: oh fuck
Y/n: don't you dare
Daniel: okay mommy
Keri: oh Dani I don't want to hear that
Daniel: sorry mom
Keri: go to bed now all of you it's late
Anna: night guys
Y/n: night babes
Daniel: night Anna banana
Anna: stopppp

Daniel: right me and Y/n are going to bedAnna: have fun but not to much Y/n: ewww Anna Anna: whatttt and use protection Y/n: ZacharyZach: yes?Y/n: even though I'm not Anna's mother if you do anything make sure you use protection Anna: don't worry ...

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@official.y/n: thankyou next? Nope I'm staying for good❤️
📸: @seaveydaniel
Liked by @anna.seavey, @seaveydaniel, @whydontwemusic and 99,834 others
@user1: omg you know why don't we?!
@anna.seavey: I'm so happy!
@seaveydaniel: pc for once🥹

seavey: I'm so happy!@seaveydaniel: pc for once🥹

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@anna.seavey: she's staying in LA💕 @official.y/n
📸: @imzachherron
Liked by @official.y/n, @franny.arrieta, @imzachherron and 98,823 others
@official.y/n: 💕💕
@imzachherron: beautiful 😍
@user1: your friendship 🥹

y/n: 💕💕@imzachherron: beautiful 😍 @user1: your friendship 🥹

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@seaveydaniel: we're so lucky that you're staying🥰 @official

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@seaveydaniel: we're so lucky that you're staying🥰 @official.y/n
Liked by @official.y/n, @corbynbesson, @anna.seavey and 99,934 others
@official.y/n: stopppp 🥰
@wdwtea: how do you feel about Anna and Zach dating?
@corbynbesson: the cutest 🙂

y/n: stopppp 🥰@wdwtea: how do you feel about Anna and Zach dating?@corbynbesson: the cutest 🙂

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