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4 months have gone past and well Corey is now 4 months old and Anna is pregnant! She's actually due in 3 months but because of the boys old management her and Zach had to keep it a secret but now they can finally announce they're having a baby.

Anna: finally today is the day
Daniel: we've been waiting for this movement
Y/n: yeah and so have fans
Zach: now we can finally tell them
Anna: omg
Zach: what? Is everything okay?
Anna: she's moving around a lot
Zach: aww
Y/n: you guys are gonna be amazing parents and we're all gonna be here to support you
Anna: thanks girl
Y/n: anything for you
Daniel: I'm starving
Jonah: we can go out for lunch? It's nearly lunchtime anyway
Zach: chipotle?
Y/n: omg yes please
Daniel: babe you literally had chipotle at 2am
Y/n: I know I love it

We all go to chipotle and it's only me, Y/n, the boys and Anna since my mom is looking after Soph, Caleb, Corey and Lav because we were busy.

Corbyn: oh guys I have some news
Lera: oh yeah
Y/n: Lear's pregnant or you're engaged
Corbyn: no and no
Lera: we're actually...
Corbyn: moving in together
Jonah: congrats
Corbyn: thanks bro
Y/n: that's amazing
Lera: actually I have something else
Corbyn: you do? *Lera pulls out a box*
Lera: open it
Corbyn: I'm scared
Lera: baby don't worry it's a good thing *We all watch as Corbyn opens the box*
Corbyn: wait really?
Lera: yeah
Y/n: what is it?
Corbyn: a pregnancy test and it's positive
Anna: awww
Ashley: omg!
Jack: Lavy's gonna have another friend
Ashley: I'm gonna be an aunt

Me and Zach finally announced our pregnancy and everyone is showing so much support. We get back to Dani and Y/n's house since we're all having a sleepover.

Anna: anyone wanna watch a movie?
Zach: yes but no horror
Jonah: can we watch Harry Potter
Y/n: omg yes
Daniel: how about we watch the new 365 days? I've heard it's good
Y/n: yeah no
Daniel: why?
Lera: you boys will get horny
Daniel: true and I don't want to have sex infront of you guys
Y/n: who said you were having sex?
Daniel: me
Corbyn: shhhh, let's watch a Disney movie
Y/n: frozen?
Zach: watched that last night
Y/n: okay ummm home alone?
Daniel: toy story?
Anna: both
Lera: yes

Anna: anyone wanna watch a movie?Zach: yes but no horror Jonah: can we watch Harry PotterY/n: omg yes Daniel: how about we watch the new 365 days? I've heard it's good Y/n: yeah no Daniel: why?Lera: you boys will get horny Daniel: true and I don't...

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@imzachherron: baby Herron 💖💙 @anna.seavey
Liked by @official.y/n, @anna.seavey, @jackaverymusic and 99,246 others
@user1: OMG YAYYY
@user2: congratulations 🥳
@anna.seavey: 💖💖

seavey: 💖💖

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@anna.seavey: baby Herron @imzachherron 💖💙
Liked by @imzachherron, @official.y/n, @whydontwemusic and 98,250 others
@imzachherron: 💖💖
@user1: love you guys
@user2: mama

y/n, @whydontwemusic and 98,250 others @imzachherron: 💖💖@user1: love you guys @user2: mama

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