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It's now the day after the party and I wake up next to Y/n, she's still asleep so I slowly get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. When I go back into the bedroom Y/n is laying on her phone.

Daniel: good morning
Y/n: morning
Daniel: sleep well?
Y/n: next to you yeah
Daniel: aww
Y/n: oh shush
Daniel: make me
Y/n: oh I did last night
Daniel: no actually it was the other way round, i made you be quiet
??: Y/n you in there?
Daniel: shit it's Anna
Y/n: shit I need my clothes
Daniel: where are they?
Y/n: I don't know wherever you threw them last night
Anna: Y/n I need to talk to you
Y/n: o-one second Anna
Anna: hurry
Daniel: here

Daniel helps me get changed and I go over and open the door to see a very tired Anna. She pulls me out of the room and takes me to hers.

Y/n: Anna, what's wrong?Anna: I had the best night of my lifeY/n: what happened?Anna: please, you can't tell anyone especially DaniY/n: okay

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Y/n: Anna, what's wrong?
Anna: I had the best night of my life
Y/n: what happened?
Anna: please, you can't tell anyone especially Dani
Y/n: okay...
Anna: me and Zach slept together last night and we may of had sex
Y/n: wait omg please tell me you used protection
Anna: we did
Y/n: okay good
Anna: promise me you won't tell Dani
Y/n: I pinky promise
Anna: thankyou
Y/n: wait so are you guys like dating now?
Anna: not yet
??: girls time for breakfast
Anna: one second mom
Keri: okay

I see Y/n and Anna walking downstairs together and they both seem really happy. Y/n sits next to me and Anna sits opposite her and Y/n holds my hand under the table.

Anna: wow it smells amazing
Keri: thankyou
Daniel: Y/n, i hope you're hungry because mom makes a big breakfast
Y/n: I'm starving
Keri: good because breakfast is served
??: good morning!
Daniel: shhhh
Anna: yeah Christian shush
Christian: sorry
Y/n: morning Christian
Christian: morning Y/nnnn
Daniel: come on let's eat
Y/n: okay okay *We all start eating and once we finish we all just chill for the day and watch movies*
Daniel: sorry guys but Zach needs to talk to me
Anna: ummm why?
Daniel: I don't know, he just said he needs to talk to me
Anna: oh okay
Y/n: noooo don't go
Daniel: I'll be back soon

Anna: wow it smells amazing Keri: thankyouDaniel: Y/n, i hope you're hungry because mom makes a big breakfast Y/n: I'm starving Keri: good because breakfast is served??: good morning!Daniel: shhhh Anna: yeah Christian shush Christian: sorry Y/n: m...

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