Truth or dare

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It's now July 17th and tonight we're all going to a party. Me and Daniel have been doing amazing and we've been trying to look at places together but we just can't afford anything right now.

 Me and Daniel have been doing amazing and we've been trying to look at places together but we just can't afford anything right now

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Yeah Daniel: I- wow you look gorgeous Y/n: thankyou baby, you don't look bad yourself eitherDaniel: well thankyou ??: you lovebirdsY/n: hey AnnaAnna: heyDaniel: did you need something?Anna: yeah just need my makeup bagY/n: oh yeah sorry *I lean ov...

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Yeah Daniel: I- wow you look gorgeous
Y/n: thankyou baby, you don't look bad yourself either
Daniel: well thankyou
??: you lovebirds
Y/n: hey Anna
Anna: hey
Daniel: did you need something?
Anna: yeah just need my makeup bag
Y/n: oh yeah sorry *I lean over and get Anna's makeup bag, she takes it and leaves them Daniel looks at me*
Daniel: really?
Y/n: what baby?
Daniel: that dress
Y/n: I look bad don't I?
Daniel: no baby, just when you bend over your ass comes out
Y/n: oops

We arrive at the party and we all go in, you can smell the alcohol as soon as you walk in and everyone goes to get a drink.

Y/n: here is to a good night and drama free
Daniel: agreed
Zach: cheers
Everyone: cheers
Daniel: boy you're hot
Y/n: are you drunk already?
Daniel: nope
Jonah: well just don't get to drunk, I'll be drinking water since I got to drive home
Ashley: yes sir, Y/n come dance with us
Y/n: ummm
Daniel: it's okay baby, go have fun
Y/n: okay *Y/n walks off with the girls whilst I stay in the kitchen area with the boys*
Zach: bro I don't think this is a good idea
Daniel: what?
Jonah: Franny is here and so is Y/n
Daniel: oh god
Jack: and a drunk Franny isn't good
Corbyn: neither is a drunk Y/n
Y/n: babeeee come dance
Daniel: okay boys keep an eye on Franny
Jack: what are you doing?
Daniel: making sure Y/n doesn't get to drunk, be careful

We're all now sat in a circle because someone thought it was a good idea to play drunk truth or dare.

??: can i join?
??: sure Franny
Daniel: ugh
Y/n: it's okay babe I'm fine
??: who's going first?
Franny: I will, Dani truth or dare?
Daniel: dare
Y/n: I dare you to kiss me
Daniel: bet *Dani pulls me onto his lip and we start kissing*
Anna: okay next round
Jack: Y/n, truth or dare?
Y/n: mmm truth
Jack: when was the last time you had sex?
Y/n: easy, this morning with Daniel
Daniel: guilty
Anna: Jonah, truth or dare?
Jonah: truth
Franny: do you miss Tate?
Jonah: as a friend yes
Y/n: Zach, truth or dare?
Zach: dare
Anna: I dare you to give the hottest girl a hickey
Zach: oh baby come here *Zach gives Anna a hickey and we keep playing*

??: can i join???: sure Franny Daniel: ughY/n: it's okay babe I'm fine ??: who's going first?Franny: I will, Dani truth or dare?Daniel: dareY/n: I dare you to kiss me Daniel: bet *Dani pulls me onto his lip and we start kissing*Anna: okay next rou...

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@seaveydaniel: I'm not drunk I promise
📸: @official.y/n
Liked by @official.y/n, @jonahmarais, @imzachherron and 99,723 others
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@official.y/n: my girls for life❤️
📸: @seaveydaniel
Liked by @seaveydaniel, @anna.seavey, @ashleymaebesson and 98,934 others
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@leraclark: besties🫶🏼
📸: @corbynbesson
Liked by @official.y/n, @corbynbesson, @ashleymaebesson and 97,823 others
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y/n, @corbynbesson, @ashleymaebesson and 97,823 others Comments disabled

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