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Before we get into this chapter I would just like to warn you all that this whole chapter is going to be smut so if you don't like it then you can skip it.

My eyes slowly fluttered opened as I
started to stretch my arms out. I began to roll over but soon landed on something hard and warm, a smile immediately forming on my lips as you realized it was Daniel lying next to me. "Sorry" i muttered as a groan escaped his lips. I really didn't mean to wake him up, i knew he needed some rest, especially after the night we had. After staying in bed for a few more minutes I decided to get up and make myself some breakfast, maybe make some for him too. I quietly placed my feet on the ground and started to sit up when I felt Daniel's strong arms wrap around my front and bringing me back flat against his naked chest. "Don't leave me just yet" he whispered, eyes still closed. I turned around in his arms and placed my head only centimeters away from his on the pillow, studying his face from here. "That's really creepy" he said after a few moments, a smile on his lips as he started to open his eyes. I laughed softly and placed a kiss on his nose, a hand resting on his cheek.

He unexpectedly put his hand behind my
neck and brought my lips back to his. It
started off pretty slow and lazy but i soon felt my husband's tongue graze over my bottom lip. I gladly parted them as his hands started to trail down my side to the hem of the oversized t-shirt i slept in. He slept his fingers under the fabric and started to stroke my hips. A slight moan escaped them at the feeling of his hands on me. I just missed it so much. He then grabbed one of my legs and placed it over his waist, so that I was now straddling him. "I just can't get enough of you" he let out in a whisper, barely audible. He was already semi-hard under me as he proceeded to take my t-shirt off, leaving me in my bra and panties, as he was lying in his boxer. For the first time of the day, he fully opened his eyes, staring at my chest for a moment before trailing his eyes down my body to my thighs where both his hands were now resting. "I'm a lucky, lucky man" he commented, trailing his fingers up my leg before placing his hand on my butt.

"Are you?" I asked as I started to grind down on him, both my hands on his chest. "Hmm..." he shakily let out. "You don't know how many times I dreamed about it, back in my bunk in the tour bus." He said raising his hips from the mattress to create some more friction. "You on top of me, my hands all over you, over your bum, over your boobs, on your thighs" he added, his actions following his words. I threw my head back, my brain processing what he was saying. It just turned me on so much to know that i had this kind of effect on him. Feeling his hands all over me seemed to wake my whole body as I could clearly feel his actions in my center. "Dani" i moaned, grinding harder, desperate to release some of the tension. "Come on, babe... I just.... I just need to be inside of you right now" I didn't need to be told twice, I grabbed the hem of his boxer and pulled them down his legs, freeing him. His cock slapped against his stomach and i almost came just from the sight.

I put my small hands around him and
started to rub my thumb on the head, slightly squeezing the base with my other hand. A deep groan escaped his lips and I looked up in time to see him tilt his head back against the pillow and part his lips as his whole body tensed against my touch "Baby no, I just.... I just want to be inside of you.... I need to be deep inside of you right now" He sounded so desperate, I grabbed my panties and lifted my hips from his thighs to pull them down. His hands were quick to find my butt as he squeezed both cheek, waiting for me to give him what he needed. I pumped him a few more times before placing him at my entrance, and lowering myself just enough to only have the tip in, and then pulled back. I repeated my actions a few times before Daniel grabbed my hips and roughly thrusts into me, muttering a low "Don't" in the process. His hands were literally roaming all over my body as I started to ride him at a steady space. "So damn tight" he moaned, his hands cupping my boobs. "Take it off" he commended, talking about my bra. I did as i was told and he focused his fingers on my nipples, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger, making them harden under his touch. He suddenly pinched them and I felt my walls clench in response.

"Shit yes" Daniel moaned repeating his
actions "I'm not going to last long babe are you close?" he asked me. I could only nod as my body took all the pleasure in, his cock deep inside of me, filling me completely, his hands on my boobs, his moans. "Dani I..." I started as I felt the knot in my stomach getting tighter. "I know babe, come on, cum for me" he placed his thumb on my sensitive clit and started to rub it in circle. "Oh god! DANIEL" i screamed as my back arched, it was all too much and i placed my hands on his thighs behind me, my fingers digging into his skins, my head thrown back as i came hard, my walls tightening around him. He placed both his hands on my hips and held me down, his hips thrusting into me at a fast place and I soon felt him release inside of me, profanities coming out of his mouth, mixed with my name and many nicknames. "yes yes yes" he grunted.

My head fell on his chest, his arms holding me close to him as we both laid there for a while, catching our breath. "I swear my life couldn't be any better" he said, running his hand down my back. "You're amazing" he whispered in my hair.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it's currently 1am and my internet is being stupid so I decided to write.

A/N:I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it's currently 1am and my internet is being stupid so I decided to write

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