Time skip

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It's been about a year and me and Y/n are still together, Zach and Anna are still together so are Corbyn and Lera. Zach, Jonah and Jack are still single.

Daniel: boys can i talk to you?
Jonah: sure bro
Zach: what's up?
Jack: you okay?
Daniel: I'm okay, it's actually Y/n
Jonah: what? Is she okay?
Daniel: I think she's pregnant
Zach: omg
Jack: how?
Daniel: she's been ill the last couple of days, throwing up, not eating. Those are the signs of pregnancy right?
Corbyn: I noticed a pregnancy test in the bathroom the other day so I asked Lera about it and she said it was for a friend
Zach: yeah and me and Anna have always been careful
Daniel: should I ask her?
Corbyn: what if she's got this surprise set up for you?
Jonah: true
Daniel: I don't know, why wouldn't she tell me about it?
Daniel: come on let's go eat and then I'll sort it out
Corbyn: coming babe!

Even though I haven't been feeling well these last couple of weeks I finally managed to get out of bed and get ready, I took a pregnancy test last week and it came back negative so I guess I'll take another today.

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??: Y/N FOOD Y/n: coming! *I walk downstairs and the boys are sat there with the girls, Tyler and Christian are out and Keri and Jeff are on a business trip*??: hey girl Y/n: hey LeraDaniel: you okay babe?Y/n: yeah I'm okay just tired Daniel: come...

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??: Y/N FOOD
Y/n: coming! *I walk downstairs and the boys are sat there with the girls, Tyler and Christian are out and Keri and Jeff are on a business trip*
??: hey girl
Y/n: hey Lera
Daniel: you okay babe?
Y/n: yeah I'm okay just tired
Daniel: come eat
Y/n: do I have to?
Corbyn: yes you do so come on *I sit next to Daniel and everyone starts eating, Daniel notices that I've hardly touched my food so he starts feeding me*
Daniel: it's okay baby, I'm here
Y/n: thankyou baby
Daniel: you're welcome
Anna: so, how is everything going?
Corbyn: it's good actually
Zach: yeah, obviously me and the boys are taking time from music and everything
Y/n: and you guys get to spend time with us, we haven't done that for a while
Daniel: true true
Jack: so, is anyone trying for a baby or getting a house soon?
Lera: not yet
Anna: nope
Y/n: I want a baby soon
Daniel: me too

We all finish eating and then the girls take Y/n to our room and they do something whilst I stay downstairs and clean up with the boys.

Jack: sorry if I was a bit annoying
Daniel: you weren't bro it's okay
Jack: you sure?
Daniel: yeah
Jack: did you see her face though?
Jonah: bro we were all there
Corbyn: true but she looked really pale
Daniel: should I go ask her?
Jack: it's your decision bro but just don't be sad if she says she's not pregnant
Jonah: only time will tell
Daniel: will you guys be there for me?
Zach: of course we will
Corbyn: we're family remember
Zach: family forever
Corbyn: forever
Daniel: thankyou guys, for everything
Jonah: you're welcome bro
Zach: we will always be here for you
Corbyn: anything that happens
Jack: always

Jack: sorry if I was a bit annoying Daniel: you weren't bro it's okay Jack: you sure?Daniel: yeah Jack: did you see her face though?Jonah: bro we were all there Corbyn: true but she looked really paleDaniel: should I go ask her?Jack: it's your dec...

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