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It's been 4 months since me and Y/n got married, we're now back in our own home in LA with Sophia who is nearly a year old. Y/n has some news to tell everyone today and we're both nervous and excited.

Daniel: babe looks she's crawling
Y/n: awww that's my girl
Daniel: she's adorable just like you
Y/n: she's got her daddy's eyes
Daniel: and she's got her mommy's nose
Y/n: she's got your hair
Daniel: and your temper
Y/n: oh yeah I've figured, when you were at the studio she kept taking my phone and when I took it back she screamed
Daniel: she just wanted to see her daddy
Y/n: that's what you think
Daniel: I- rude
Y/n: joking baby don't worry
Daniel: you better be
Sophia: mama
Daniel: omg did she just-
Y/n: oh she did
Daniel: aww
Sophia: dada
Daniel: aww what a cutie

I finish getting ready and Daniel gets Sophia ready, we're meeting everyone at the restaurant since they were already there. We arrive at the restaurant and we all hug and sit down and order.

 We arrive at the restaurant and we all hug and sit down and order

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Keri: this is nice Jeff: it is, all of us together Corbyn: Lera apologies she can't be here, she had to do something for work Daniel: it's okay beanY/n: oh Soph said her first words today Anna: was it aunt Anna?Zach: noooo uncle Zach Daniel: no ac...

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Keri: this is nice
Jeff: it is, all of us together
Corbyn: Lera apologies she can't be here, she had to do something for work
Daniel: it's okay bean
Y/n: oh Soph said her first words today
Anna: was it aunt Anna?
Zach: noooo uncle Zach
Daniel: no actually it was mama
Y/n: and then she said dada
Jonah: that's adorable
Daniel: honestly I could have cried
??: sorry we're late
Daniel: hey Jack
??: uncle Daniiii
Y/n: aww who's this cutie?
Jack: oh yeah, Y/n meet Lavender
Y/n: hi Lavender
Lavender: hewo
Daniel: babe this is Lavender Mae Avery
Y/n: aww Jack your sister is so cute
Jack: oh no she's not my sister
Jonah: she's Jack's daughter
Y/n: oh my- I'm so sorry
Jack: it's okay, you haven't met her and well this is my first time seeing her in ages

Jack sits down with Lav and we all eat, Y/n feeds Sophia and my dad noticed the shirt she's wearing and looked at me.

Jeff: so, Dani is there anything you want to tell us?Daniel: yes actually Jonah: oh no Daniel: it's not bad don't worry * Y/n stands Soph up so everyone can see*Keri: omg!Christian: big- Anna: sisterY/n: surprise Jonah: you're having another baby?...

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Jeff: so, Dani is there anything you want to tell us?
Daniel: yes actually
Jonah: oh no
Daniel: it's not bad don't worry * Y/n stands Soph up so everyone can see*
Keri: omg!
Christian: big-
Anna: sister
Y/n: surprise
Jonah: you're having another baby?!
Daniel: Y/n is pregnant again
Jeff: congratulations guys
Daniel: thankyou dad
Anna: I'm going to be an aunt again 
Lavender: bubba?
Y/n: yes Lav a little bubba
Zach: that's amazing!
Y/n: thankyou guys *We all finish eating and then we all go home*
Daniel: well that went amazing
Y/n: definitely
Daniel: Lav and Soph get on so well
Y/n: they really do
Sophia: dada
Daniel: I'm here baby
Y/n: let's go put her to bed and then we can have so alone time
Daniel: definitely
Sophia: sweep you bed
Daniel: or not

Jeff: so, Dani is there anything you want to tell us?Daniel: yes actually Jonah: oh no Daniel: it's not bad don't worry * Y/n stands Soph up so everyone can see*Keri: omg!Christian: big- Anna: sisterY/n: surprise Jonah: you're having another baby?...

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@seaveydaniel: 3 becomes 4! Baby Seavey #2 💙💗 @official.y/n
Liked by @anna.seavey, @official.y/n, @jackaverymusic and 99,942 others
@official.y/n: 💙💗
@whydontwemusic: congratulations guys
@corbynbesson: #teamboy

y/n: 💙💗@whydontwemusic: congratulations guys @corbynbesson: #teamboy

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@official.y/n: 3 becomes 4! Baby Seavey #2 💙💗 @seaveydaniel
Liked by @leraclark, @seaveydaniel, @anna.seavey and 98,395 others
@leraclark: congratulations guys! I'm sorry I couldn't be there
@seaveydaniel: 💙💗
@keriseavey: love you ❤️

seavey and 98,395 others @leraclark: congratulations guys! I'm sorry I couldn't be there @seaveydaniel: 💙💗@keriseavey: love you ❤️

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