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It's now June 22nd and today we're finally getting off the bus and going to a hotel, I look over at Zach and Anna who are still sleeping and so is everyone else so I get up and go to the fridge to get apple juice.

??: hey Dani
Daniel: oh hey Franny
Franny: sleep good?
Daniel: yeah, you?
Franny: yeah
Daniel: cool
Franny: I made you some apple juice
Daniel: oh thanks
Franny: no problem handsome
Daniel: so, how's thing's going?
Franny: they're okay I guess
Daniel: that's good
Franny: Dani I really miss you
Daniel: I miss you too Franny but I've moved on and you should too
Franny: can i show you something?
Daniel: umm okay *Franny walks over to me and kisses me, i stupidly kiss back and we make our way to the bathroom*

I get woken up to Anna jumping on me telling me that we're at the hotel, I get my things and we all go inside and the rooms are me, Dani, Anna and Zach. Corbyn, Lera, Ash and Franny. Jonah and Jack.

Y/n: I'm so tired
Anna: me too
Zach: I want food
Y/n: Dani, you okay?
Daniel: yep let's go to our rooms
Y/n: okay yeah *Zach takes Anna's suitcase and I thought Dani was gonna do the same but he just walked off*
Anna: that was rude
Y/n: it's fine don't worry, he's probably just tired or something
Franny: he worked out this morning
Y/n: oh, how do you know?
Franny: I saw him before he left
Anna: okay let's go to our room *We get to our room and Dani was in the bathroom taking a shower*
Zach: he's acting really weird
Y/n: did I do something to annoy him?
Anna: what no of course not
Y/n: then why is he acting like this?
Anna: he's probably just having a bad day

It's been a few hours and everyone has gone out to lunch except me and Y/n, I've decided I'm gonna tell her what happened between me and Franny this morning.

Daniel: hey
Y/n: hey
Daniel: can we talk?
Y/n: yeah sure
Daniel: you can get mad at me all you want but please let me explain
Y/n: umm okay? *I sit down next to her*
Daniel: this morning...I woke up and didn't think anyone else was awake so I went to get some apple juice from the fridge
Y/n: okay?
Daniel: but Franny was awake and she made at some apple juice, we started talking and then...
Y/n: then what?
Daniel: she kissed me and I stupidly kissed back then...we went into the bathroom and we...had sex
Y/n: y-you and Franny?
Daniel: it didn't mean anything I promise
Y/n: so this is why you've been ignoring me all day and being distant?
Daniel: I don't love her...
Y/n: please just...just give me some space

just give me some space

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