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Tomorrow Y/n goes home and we're all feeling upset but she's coming back in 5 days for Zach's birthday.

Zach: so, Y/n is going home tomorrow
Daniel: yeah
Zach: that sucks
Daniel: she will be back for your birthday
Corbyn: I'm gonna miss her
Daniel: we're all gonna miss her
Jonah: you really like her don't you
Zach: Dani has a crushhhhh
Daniel: okay yeah I do
??: he- oh sorry
Daniel: hey Y/n
Y/n: sorry I'll come back later
Daniel: okay then
Zach: that was weird
Corbyn: very weird
Jack: she's probably just sad
Daniel: we all are
Jack: Anna is gonna be so upset
Daniel: she was up crying last night
Jack: poor Anna
Daniel: yeah

It's the day before I leave and me, Anna and Lera are hanging out. I wanted to talk to Daniel about something but the other boys were with him. I get ready and so does Anna, we leave the house and meet Lera at the mall.

 I get ready and so does Anna, we leave the house and meet Lera at the mall

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Y/n: LeraaaaaLera: hey girlsAnna: heyLera: so um I invited Franny if that's okay Y/n: oh umm yeah that's fine ??: hey girlsLera: hi babesAnna: yeah hiY/n: hiFranny: Anna baby you okay?Anna: mhmLera: hey, what's wrong?Y/n: i'm leaving tomorrow

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Y/n: Leraaaaa
Lera: hey girls
Anna: hey
Lera: so um I invited Franny if that's okay
Y/n: oh umm yeah that's fine
??: hey girls
Lera: hi babes
Anna: yeah hi
Y/n: hi
Franny: Anna baby you okay?
Anna: mhm
Lera: hey, what's wrong?
Y/n: i'm leaving tomorrow..
Lera: what? No
Y/n: I have to but I'll be back in about 5 days for Zach's birthday
Anna: please don't go
Y/n: hey we still have today and tonight
Anna: it's unfair
Y/n: I know
Franny: how does Daniel feel about it?
Y/n: he's..sad
Lera: aww
Anna: I'll miss you more than him
Y/n: I know you will

Me and the girls shop for a little and then me and Y/n go back to mine. We walk in and the boys are sat watching a movie so we jump next to them.

Zach: well hello to you too
Anna: hi
Daniel: how was your day?
Y/n: it was..okay
Daniel: oh no, what happened?
Y/n: well..we met Lera and she decided to bring Franny along
Daniel: ugh
Anna: and Franny started making comments about Y/n's weight
Y/n: i said not to mention it to them
Anna: but they deserve to know
Corbyn: Lera hasn't said anything
Daniel: Y/n, are you okay?
Y/n: yeah I'm good
Daniel: promise?
Y/n: promise
Zach: guyssss I want food
Y/n: aww Zachy
Zach: don't call me thattttt
Y/n: why?
Zach: becauseeee
Y/n: oh shush

we met Lera and she decided to bring Franny along Daniel: ughAnna: and Franny started making comments about Y/n's weight Y/n: i said not to mention it to them Anna: but they deserve to knowCorbyn: Lera hasn't said anything Daniel: Y/n, are you oka...

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@anna.seavey: last day❤️
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@official.y/n: LA I'm gonna miss you
Liked by @imzachherron, @seaveydaniel, @anna.seavey and 98,923 others
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