I love you

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It's been a while and in 2 days it's Zach's and Anna's wedding. Sophia is now walking and talking and Caleb is starting to walk since he's just turned one.

Daniel: babe?
Y/n: yeah I'm here
Daniel: everything okay?
Y/n: yeah just making sure everything is okay for the wedding
Daniel: babe it's all okay, we still have two days. It's gonna be perfect
Y/n: I know but I have to made sure everything is right
Daniel: okay but make sure you don't over do it
Y/n: I promise
??: anyone home?
Daniel: we're upstairs boys
Corbyn: is it safe to come up?
Daniel: yeah come up
Y/n: why are the boys here?
Daniel: we're making a song
Y/n: oh okay, you going to the studio?
Daniel: yeah
??: helloooo
Y/n: hey Jo
Jonah: where's Soph and Caleb
Y/n: napping *The boys leave and go to the studio whilst the girls come over*
Lera: we're here!
Y/n: I'm upstairs

Me and the girls go upstairs and Y/n was sat on the bed whilst Caleb and Sophia were sleeping. We sit with her and we start talking about the wedding.

Lera: girl everything is gonna be amazing
Anna: thankyou Y/n
Y/n: you're welcome bubs
Ashley: another one of our girls is getting married
Y/n: Lera next?
Lera: just waiting for Corbs to put a ring on this finger now
Ashley: hopefully he does
Y/n: i love you guys
Ashley: we love you too
Lera: of course we do
Anna: you're our best friend and you're part of the Seavey family now
??: mommy?
Lera: aww is that Sophia?
Y/n: yeah, one second girls *Y/n goes to get Sophia*
Anna: this wedding is gonna be amazing
??: aunt Anna
Anna: hewo Soph
Y/n: she's been asking for you all day
Anna: aww
Ashley: oh my- she's getting so big now
Y/n: she is
Lera: awww

Me and the boys get back to mine and Y/n's house and the girls are sat on the couch with Caleb and Sophia watching toy story.

Daniel: hey girls
Sophia: daddyyyy
Daniel: hewo baby
Y/n: hey babe
Daniel: what you guys doing?
Sophia: toy story
Zach: hey gorgeous
Anna: hi baby
Jonah: I miss Tessa
Ashley: we all do
Y/n: anyone hungry? I'll make some food
Zach: starving
Corbyn: if you don't mind
Y/n: don't be silly, what does everyone want to eat
Ashley: ooo can you make your favourite lasagna?
Y/n: of course
Daniel: I'll help you
Jack: can I hold Caleb?
Y/n: of course you can
Jack: oh guys, Lav is coming for the wedding
Anna: yayy
Zach: flower girl?
Anna: omg yes
Jack: of course

Daniel: hey girls Sophia: daddyyyyDaniel: hewo baby Y/n: hey babeDaniel: what you guys doing?Sophia: toy story Zach: hey gorgeous Anna: hi baby Jonah: I miss Tessa Ashley: we all do Y/n: anyone hungry? I'll make some foodZach: starving Corbyn: if ...

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@official.y/n: she's a big girl now ❤️ @seaveydaniel
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y/n: she's a big girl now ❤️ @seaveydaniel Liked by @leraclark, @ashleymaebesson, @seaveydaniel and 98,933 others Comments disabled

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@seaveydaniel: i love you ❤️💙 @official.y/n
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