Like you

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We all get ice cream and we walk around for a little. Daniel try's to hold my hand for some reason but I don't let him because of Anna.

Daniel: soooo
Y/n: yeah?
Daniel: do you like someone else?
Y/n: what?
Daniel: you won't hold my hand, we've kissed and you're acting weird
Y/n: Dani..Anna likes me
Daniel: wait what?
Y/n: she told me today and I feel bad if I hold your hand infront of her
Daniel: wow..she likes you
??: come on you lovebirds
Daniel: shutup Zach
Y/n: Dani
Daniel: no it's fine..we should go
Y/n: fine *We all walk back to the car and I'm sitting on Daniel's lap again..this time it feels weird*
Jonah: you two okay?
Daniel: yep we're fine

We all get back to the house and Y/n gets out of the car, when we all got inside Y/n went to Anna's room and she followed.

Zach: woah, what happened with you two?
Daniel: nothing Zach don't worry
Jonah: it seemed like something in the car
Daniel: fine
Corbyn: tell
Daniel: you know I said we kissed
Jack: yeahhh
Daniel: well..Y/n told me that Anna said she likes her and she can't be with me
Jonah: wait, Anna likes Y/n?
Zach: bro, she will get over it
Daniel: Zach I like her okay
Zach: and that's fine
Corbyn: damn, who are you and what have you done with Zach?
Zach: shutup I like Daniel more than anyone in the band
Jack: but Jachary
Daniel: guys..Y/n leaves soon
Jonah: no
Corbyn: she only just got here

The boys are staying the night since Anna's parents are out, Christian is at a friends and Tyler is at his own house. We're all sat on the couch and then there's a knock at the door, I get up and open it and there's a girl stood there with the girl who me, Daniel and Anna saw.

??: is Corbyn here?
Y/n: and you are?
??: sorry I'm Lera, Corbyn's girlfriend
Y/n: oh yeah he's here
Lera: oh this is my friend Franny
Franny: we've already met
Y/n: oh yeah, you're Daniel's ex girlfriend
Franny: and you're his girlfriend
Y/n: mhm *I let them in and the boys look over*
Daniel: Franny?
Franny: um hi
Y/n: we were just about to watch a movie and order pizza if you want to join
Lera: of course
Daniel: babe come here *I look at Daniel*
Y/n: hm?
Daniel: yes you, come here *I go over to him and he pulls me on his lap*
Y/n: well hello to you too
Daniel: hello princess

??: is Corbyn here?Y/n: and you are???: sorry I'm Lera, Corbyn's girlfriend Y/n: oh yeah he's hereLera: oh this is my friend FrannyFranny: we've already met Y/n: oh yeah, you're Daniel's ex girlfriend Franny: and you're his girlfriend Y/n: mhm *I ...

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