The talk

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Me and the girls get back home after shopping almost all day, Y/n and Anna go up to her room and the boys come over.

??: hey bro
Daniel: hey Zach
Zach: where's Y/n?
Daniel: hands off bro
Zach: ooo
Daniel: shutup, she's upstairs with Anna
Jonah: can we meet her?
Daniel: guys stop, nobody is gonna get with her
Jonah: and why is that?
Daniel: because..
Corbyn: well I've got a girlfriend
??: hey Daniel ca- oh sorry
Daniel: it's okay, guys this is Y/n
Zach: hey cutie
Y/n: um hey
Zach: I'm Zach
Y/n: and I'm not interested
Daniel: ooo
Zach: damn bro
Jonah: ooo
Y/n: bye bye
Daniel: byeee

I get some apple juice for me and Anna and then go back to her, she was laying on the bed in her bra and underwear waiting. I looked at her and she winked.

Y/n: I'm so sorry
Anna: it's okay it's for you
Y/n: oh
Anna: I really like you Y/n
Y/n: Ann-
Anna: I want you, all of you
??: Anna?
Anna: um one second Daniel
Daniel: me and the boys wanna know if you and Y/n wanna come with us to get ice cream or something
Anna: uhh sure
Daniel: okay, be downstairs in 5
Anna: okay *Me and Anna go downstairs once she's changed*
??: hey cutie
Y/n: um bye Zach
Zach: you're so mean
Y/n: yeah I know

We all leave the house and everyone can't fit in the car so Y/n sits on my lap and Anna sits on Corbyn's lap since I trust him more than the other boys and he's dating Lera.

Zach: so, Y/n do you like Dani?
Daniel: Zach bro
Y/n: umm yeah
Zach: more than a friend?
Y/n: we only met yesterday
Jonah: Zach leave them alone
Zach: okay okay sorry
Daniel: anyway
Y/n: what ice cream flavour are you getting?
Daniel: strawberry
Y/n: I want chocolate
Daniel: ewww
Y/n: what?
Daniel: chocolate is disgusting
Corbyn: it's not
Daniel: it really is
Y/n: noooo
Daniel: yessss
Y/n: I'm gonna make you like chocolate
Daniel: oh yeah, how?
Y/n: you'll see

Zach: so, Y/n do you like Dani?Daniel: Zach broY/n: umm yeahZach: more than a friend?Y/n: we only met yesterday Jonah: Zach leave them alone Zach: okay okay sorry Daniel: anyway Y/n: what ice cream flavour are you getting?Daniel: strawberry Y/n: I...

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