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We walked out of the bathroom and everyone else was sat in a circle but Anna was on Zach's lap and Lera was on Corbyn's lap, me and Y/n sit down and I pull her onto my lap.

Daniel: that was the best show
Zach: we've only just started
Ashley: it was an amazing first show
Y/n: agreed
Franny: anyone want a drink?
Daniel: hell yes
Y/n: sure
Jonah: yeah
Franny: Y/n, you wanna help me?
Y/n: umm yeah sure
Daniel: noooo
Corbyn: simp
Y/n: I'll be back
Lera: babe you're a simp too
Corbyn: mmmm very true *Y/n and Franny walk away to get drinks and everyone looks at me*
Daniel: what?
Zach: nothing
Jonah: what happened in there?
Daniel: nothing we were just talking
Jonah: mm talking
Y/n: here you guys go
Daniel: thanks gorgeous
Anna: thanks babes
Daniel: hey not fair
Y/n: Dani be nice, I'm her best friend
Daniel: okay okay
Jonah: yeah Daniel

We all get a little drink and then I check the time and it's already 4am, luckily the boys don't have a show for a few days.

Y/n: guys it's 4am
Franny: let's go to bed
Daniel: nooooo
Anna: I don't wanna go to bed
Jack: I think Zach's already asleep
Y/n: yeah I think he is
Daniel: oooo we should prank him
Lera: that's mean
Corbyn: yeah Dani that's mean
Y/n: if you want Zach to punch you then sure go ahead
Daniel: will he punch me?
Anna & Y/n: yes
Daniel: okay okay I won't prank him
Jack: I'm tired, night guys
Lera: night
Y/n: night noodles
Daniel: night dummy
Jack: byeeeee
Y/n: I'm gonna go change
Daniel: baby you can change into my hoodie if you want, it's on the bunk
Y/n: thankyou baby

Everyone else has finally gone to bed and now it's just me and Daniel, I get us both some apple juice and look at him.

Daniel: what?
Anna: you really like her don't you?
Daniel: who?
Anna: the fish no Y/n you idiot
Daniel: I do..but she doesn't like me that way so there's no point
Anna: like Tate McRae said, friends don't look at friends that way
Daniel: you really think she likes me
Anna: Dani, you've been in a relationship with Franny and you guys don't really talk anymore but you've let her come on tour for Lera so get some balls and tell Y/n how you really feel about her
Daniel: not yet
Anna: why?
Daniel: I'm gonna take her on a date
Anna: when?
Daniel: the day after our second show
Anna: so like a week
Daniel: yeah
Anna: okay but please don't let Franny get in the way, Y/n likes you and I know you like her but please don't break her heart
Daniel: I won't

but she doesn't like me that way so there's no point Anna: like Tate McRae said, friends don't look at friends that way Daniel: you really think she likes meAnna: Dani, you've been in a relationship with Franny and you guys don't really talk anymo...

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