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It's now July 14th and today I'm gonna be showing Y/n the song I wrote for her. For the last few days we've just been chilling and working.

Jack: bro you good?
Daniel: yeah, why wouldn't I be?
Jonah: you haven't eaten breakfast and it's nearly lunch
Daniel: I just wanna get everything right
??: no Y/n you can't go in there
Y/n: why Zach?
Zach: Daniel's umm
Y/n: he's what?
Zach: he's jerking off
Daniel: Zach it's fine, she can come in *Y/n comes in and looks at me and the boys*
Jack: it's not what it looks like
Y/n: what's going on here?
Daniel: I um...I have something I want to show you
Y/n: okay?
Corbyn: want us to leave or?
Daniel: no it's okay, you guys can stay
??: ooo you're having a meeting without me...again. How rude?
Zach: babe come here *Anna comes in and it all goes quiet and I sing the song* (the song above)

After Daniel finished singing the song we all clapped and I even had tears in my eyes, he pulled me into his lap and kissed my face.

Daniel: please don't cry baby
Y/n: I-I love it
Anna: aww
Daniel: I'm glad
Jonah: he was so scared you wouldn't like it..that's why he's been off
Y/n: oh baby...i promise I love it
Daniel: you mean the world to me
Zach: stopppp I'll cry
??: you aren't the only one Z
Corbyn: awww baby
Lera: wow, Dani that was amazing
Y/n: see, everyone loves it
Daniel: thankyou guys
Jonah: anytime bro
Y/n: i have one request
Daniel: that is?
Zach: FOOD!!!
Y/n: Zach took it out of my mouth
Anna: babeeee
Zach: whattttt? I'm a hungry boy
Daniel: okay yes, let's go to chipotle

We get in the cars so it's me, Y/n, Zach and Anna then Corbyn, Lera, Jonah and Jack in the other cars. We drive to chipotle and we all go in and order.

Daniel: damn babe
Y/n: what?
Daniel: you look sexy today
Zach: shhh
Daniel: but she does
Anna: save it for when we get home
Jonah: guys, you sure you don't wanna go anywhere else?
Y/n: why?
Jack: there's fans everywhere
Jonah: and Franny was posting things on social media
Daniel: like?
Jonah: she said that you were cheating on her with Y/n
Anna: but that's not true, they didn't even know each other when Franny and Dani were dating
Y/n: guys it's okay, we know the truth and nobody can get in the way of our relationship. Dani would never cheat
Daniel: let's just eat and leave
Jack: okay *We all finish eating and we pay and then go back home*

 Dani would never cheat Daniel: let's just eat and leave Jack: okay *We all finish eating and we pay and then go back home*

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@seaveydaniel: thankyou for being my biggest supporter, I love you babygirl💜💜 @official.y/n
Liked by @whydontwemusic, @official.y/n, @anna.seavey and 99,724 others
@official.y/n: i love you too baby boy💙
@anna.seavey: I can't wait to be an aunt
@user1: Y/N IS PREGNANT?!^

seavey: I can't wait to be an aunt @user1: Y/N IS PREGNANT?!^

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@official.y/n: never leaving you. I love you baby boy💙💙 @seaveydaniel
Liked by @jackaverymusic, @seaveydaniel, @leraclark and 98,923 others
@seaveydaniel: mine❤️🫶🏼
@leraclark: my parents🥰😍
@user2: get married already!

 I love you baby boy💙💙 @seaveydanielLiked by @jackaverymusic, @seaveydaniel, @leraclark and 98,923 others @seaveydaniel: mine❤️🫶🏼@leraclark: my parents🥰😍@user2: get married already!

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