Chapter Thirty One

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"She'll be fine," Said the doctor and we all let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god," My mother said.

"Can we see her?" My father said.

"Yes, but before you go in she will have a few nasty scars and she will be shaken for a while so try not to give her a scare, oh and this bag contains all her things as well as her clothes," Said the doctor as my mother took the bag.

We walk into the room and I could hardly look at her there were two scars on her face one on her forehead and another on her cheek both stitched up and the doctor didn't lie they were nasty. She was hooked up to three machines three too many for comfort I looked over at Seth and he had turned away I looked at him and he was really sad.

"Seth" I heard a scratchy and barely audible voice say I turned and Sam was looking at him.

"Hey Seth look at me," Sam said and Seth turned around with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" Was all he could say.

"You have nothing to be sorry for there was nothing you could have done to stop this you could never have known," Sam said and Seth wiped his eyes and nodded making Sam smile.

"Samantha honey are you alright?" My mum said taking a seat next to Sam's bed.

"I'm fine mum the doc did say that I shouldn't talk too much," I said.

"That's alright," my mother said.

"Mum dad, if you don't mind, could I talk to Adele and Alyssa alone for a moment," Sam said and they nodded my dad gave Adele a smile as they led Seth out.

"Hey there sis," I said.

"Look I wanted to tell you two something," Sam said.

"What is it," I said.

"Well before I dropped Seth off at his place I heard some talk of Adele needing to find somewhere else to live but if you can plead with mum and dad to make Adele seem like part of the family then maybe they will change their mind and I will help so just keep her around until I am better, now I need rest so tell mum and dad to get some clean clothes while I take a nap," Sam said and we left.

"What did she say," My dad asked.

"Just that she likes having Adele around that she sees her as part of the family and hopes to be out soon so she can spend more time with Adele," I said lacing my fingers with hers.

"I'm sure she will," My mothers said.

"She also said that she wants to rest she did say that she would like some clean clothes for tomorrow," I said.

"Dear, why don't you stay with her I'll head home with the girls and bring some clothes tomorrow morning," My dad said and my mother nodded handing him the bag with her stuff in it.

We got home and me and Adele grabbed the bags we had basically dropped on the floor and took them to our rooms to unpack I would have liked to have stayed in the cabin a little longer but Sam is my sister after all. After putting the last of my clothes away I shut my wardrobe and sighed I then felt arms wrap around my stomach and a kiss planted on the back of my neck.

"Need something," I said placing my hands over hers.

"Wanna talk about our night in the cabin?" Adele said.

"Do we need to we had sex and it was great is there anything else to say we said all we needed to that morning didn't we?" I said leaning my head back onto her solder.

"I suppose but don't you want to reminisce the night in unflinching detail by word of mouth I have been told I can paint quite a pitcher," Adele said.

"I don't doubt that but I do want to know if you can paint a pitcher that is just as great as the first time," I said.

"I'll try but first," Adele said tightening her grip and pulling me to the bed.

"Woah," I said as I was pulled down till I was laying on my side with Adele on her side behind me.

Adele then whispers in my ear as she goes over the events of our night in the cabin and I swear if I closed my eyes it would be like I was really there she was good at painting a pitcher. I begin to giggle as she started making things up that made no sense she whispered more and more craziness in my ear before I grabbed my pillow and hit her with it telling her to knock it off.

"Hey," Adele said grabbing the other pillow and swinging at me.

The two of us sat on the bed hitting each other with pillows over and over again squealing and laughing with each hit before I moved to the end of the bed and brought the pillow down on her head.

"Ouch okay, I give in you win you win," Adele said as she fell onto her back arms protecting herself.

"I haven't won yet," I said moving her arms and kissing her.

She relaxed her arms which I had to pry away from her face to get to her lips and I loosened my grip and her hands ended up where they normally do entangle in my hair. There was a knock on my door and we pulled apart and I got off of Adele before telling them to come in it was my dad and he was still trying not to break down after the sight of Sam I chose to distract myself.

"Hey dad need something," I said displeased with his interruption.

"It's getting late and I and neither your mother have anything planned for dinner so if you like you can order in and perhaps bring some friends over to keep you company for tonight," My dad said.

"Sure thanks dad," I said with a smile.

"Have fun," Said my dad before leaving.

"So who are you going to call over," Adele said.

"Well, Sophia obviously since we need to give her the key to her cabin back and Helen," I said.

"Helen why Helen," Adele said.

"I want to hear all about this thing between her and Bridgette," I said.

"Well she may not want to spill the beans but it can't hurt to try," Adele said.

I called up Sophia and she was confused about why we were back but was happy to come over for a free meal as I expected she would and Helen was interested to hear that I was having a get together with food and was more than happy to show up.

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