Chapter Thirty Two

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Both Helen and Sophia said that they would be there within the next half an hour me and Adele decided to make the most of the time we were on my bed Adele was on top of me with her lips on mine and her tongue in my mouth. Her tongue moved in my mouth rubbing agents mine like the inside of my mouth was hers and hers alone, just the thought of that made me deepen the kiss. Adele broke the kiss for a moment before moving her lips to my neck she kissed it then added her tongue before nibbling at my sweet spot I let out a moan and as if on cue the doorbell went. I sent Adele down so I could make myself look less like I was just about to have sex I fixed my hair pulled my tank top back over my breasts and over my stomach got up and headed out the door.

"Hey girl," Helen said with a squeal as she hugged me as soon I hit the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi Helen," I said with a chuckle as I hugged her back.

"What gives why are you back so early... and did you do it?" Sophia said whispering the second part to me.

"I don't want to talk about it and yes," I said.

This caused Sophia to bounce on the spot like a kid at Christmas I don't know why she is so happy I mean it was me and Adele in the cabin, not her and... Oh my god.

"What's with all the whispering," Helen said.

"Nothing I want to talk to you about, no offence but it is more of a personal matter," I said.

"Fair enough," Helen said.

"Well enough talk my dad said we could all order in so who wants what?" I said taking out multiple take out and delivery menus from the draw by the stairs.

"Now your talking," Said Helen taking the one with the word Pizza on it.

"Where is your dad and your mum for that matter?" Sophia asked grabbing an Indian menu to flick through.

"They're out on date night," Adele said ending the conversation.

I gave Adele a thankful look and she rubbed my shoulder.

"Hey If you guys are cool with all going for Pizza then this place does a deal, free sides if we pay over £25," Helen said.

"That sounds great," I said.

"With all four of us, I bet we'll mack over £25," Said Sophia.

"Let's hope so," Adele said.

We all perused the items on the menu picking out the one we wanted and adding it to the list the pizzas came in at £30 so was all ordered a few side dishes I chose onion rings and the others went for wedges.

"And now we wait," I said setting the phone back down onto its stand.

"What do we do while we wait," Helen said as she fell onto the Sofa.

"Well I do have a special reason for calling you along here Helen," I said.

"Oh," Said Helen.

"I am well aware of the sudden interest you and Bridgette now have in one another but I have only heard her side of the story I would like to hear yours because last time I spoke to you about relationships you seemed focused on Justin's mate," I said.

"Oh, yeah talked with him but his head was filled with video games and move references," Said Helen.

"Yeah if I had known you were going to talk to him I could have warned you of that" Sophia said.

"So I turned to a more helpful relationship," Helen said.

"Helpful how?" I said.

"Well as much as it pains me to say it after her run-in with you know who she has been marked as an easy target so I have decided that the best way to protect her would be to always be around her and well it is working," Helen said.

"So are you only dating her to protect her," I said.

"No despite the fact I want to protect her my feelings towards her are real and not going away," Helen said.

"Sure sure," I said to let her know I was joking.

"Shut up," Helen said shoving me with her fist.

"So spill from your point of view how did you and Bridgette get together," I asked.

"Well, I went to first off warn her that she was a target as I said but as I did she just put her finger to me and stopped me she said that she didn't need me to protect her however she wouldn't mind having me around more," Helen said.

"So was that it?" I said.

"Not really we were in study hall 2 her studying and me well hanging out with her and she looked up at me multiple times and I called her out on it then she said that she was wondering why I was not studying but that was seen as a lie so I pressed her and she just kissed me at first I was shocked but I found her kiss more loving and passionate than any of the kisses I had with boys no force no submission just love," Helen said.

"Well I'm glad that you are one of us," Adele said.

At that moment the doorbell went.

"I got it," I said.

I went to open the door but it was not the pizza guy.

"Oh Rick hey what's up," I said.

"You know the delivery guy," Adele said.

"No this is one of Seth's mates," I said.

"Holy crap Adele," Said Rick.

"Yo," Adele said putting a hand up.

"Is she?" Rick said clearly scared of Adele I forgot she was a huge bully.

"She is safe and my girlfriend," I said getting side by side with Adele with a grin.

"I hope she still scares me," Rick said.

"I promise now what's up," I said.

"I'm looking for Seth but I'm guessing he's not here so If he comes by later can you give him a message for me," Rick said.

"Sure what is it," I said.

"Just that I want my damn hoody back it's getting chilly out there and he has had it for about a week now," Rick said.

"Sure I'll let him know," I said and Rick left with a smile.

"Who was that?" Helen asked.

"Just a friend of Seth's my sister's boyfriend," I said.

"Oh cool well I am starving hope the food gets here soon," Helen said.

"Hey thirty minutes or its free right," I said.

"Good point," Helen said.

To pass the time we ended up playing a few card games and after ten minutes of that and the food was here we grabbed the food and set it down and then we paled some more cards and filled our stomachs until we all fell asleep on the sofas with cards and pizza boxes everywhere.

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