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𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 day at my crappy job. I returned to a dirty apartment.

I grown out, but it wasn't too bad closing the door behind me I set my things down rubbing my unruly hair .

I gave my kitchen and living area, one final look before starting to clean several hours later, and many trash bags later my apartment was finally clean and it looked good .

But now I was tired in the exotic wet dream I had earlier wasn't helping and I couldn't get it out of my head.

It had been happening for a while now and I should really talk to someone about it but who would believe me I walked into my clean room and jumped onto my bed.

The soft material felt comforting against my soft skin as I drifted off to sleep and sink farther into my bed my body Felt hot and I felt sensation deep down in my core.

I turned and twisted, trying to get comfortable the fabric of my shirt against my nipples, causing them to tingle even more waves of pleasure course throughout my body, and I felt my pants getting tighter and formed in my stomach as the excitement begin to grow.

Suddenly I woke up with a start Breathing heavily I looked around my room, but the feeling was no longer there.

My hair was clinging onto my face and sweat beats were rolling down my face.

The excitement was gone, leaving me with a mixture of disappointment and relief aside, and laid back in my bed wondering what had just happened.

I close my eyes and tried to sleep, but my thoughts raised, and I couldn't relax.

I eventually gave up deciding just to lay there and think about what had happened.


Enjoy reading lovelies 💕

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