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𝐈 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 Ezra just fingered me on the couch while we were suppose to be watching a movie .

And while he was fingering me his fingers felt amazing they were long and hit the perfect spots and milo was playing in my hair and was massaging my neck.

it felt really good and he started whispering sweet nothings in my ear and said that one day that Ezra would hold my hands behind my back and his chin would rest in my shoulder while his face was in between my legs until I couldn't take it and then they would switch spots.

And would keep going . That excited me so I smiled lazily because Ezra started getting faster and I felt that familiar knot in my stomach.

Then I came and closed my legs fast and walked to my room and closed and jumped on my bed.

Maybe I will stay a little longer. I let the darkness take its toll and I closed my eyes.

I slept so good nothing ached I was still sensitive but I felt amazing.

I had no dreams but how am I suppose to go back out there with them here.

Should I be like oh hey thank you so much for making me cum it felt amazing.

Or hey I want to do that I felt good and my nightmares stopped so thank you.

I can't say either of those things.

I gave myself a little pep talk ok you're good hope just go out there and see what they say.


I walked through the door into the kitchen and was shocked to see Ezra and Milo, both shirtless and looking incredibly hot with messy morning hair. I couldn't help but admire their physiques as they engaged in various activities.

Suddenly, I realized I probably looked like a creep, standing silently in the doorway, taking in their shirtless glory. Fuck, I was definitely screwed now. Ezra caught my gaze while he ate cereal, and Milo glanced over at me while sipping his coffee.

As I moved to pull away, I was unexpectedly sandwiched between the two of them. Milo was behind me and Ezra was in front of me. Ezra gently kissed my cheek, and Milo followed suit by planting a kiss on the other.

I felt frozen in the moment, unable to process what was happening. The words "I'm theirs now" whispered through my mind. I whispered them softly to myself, unable to fully grasp the implications of what I had just heard.


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