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𝐈 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐄𝐃 between milo and Ezra I look down seeing erzas large veiny arm on my hip.

I push myself up and I think of a quick idea . With quick movements I remove Ezra's hand and place it on top of Milo's hip I hold in a laugh as erza scoots close to him .

I grab my phone and take a couple cute pictures then I record milo turns facing erzas face now they are close I put my hand to my mouth and walk closer with my phone in hand.

I let out a loud laugh causing them both a jump and wake up they both realize how close they are look at me.

I stoped recording and held my stomach I had tears in my eyes "you almost kissed" . I got out breathlessly. Wiping the tears from my eyes.

I stoped laughing they looked pissed "guys come on it's not that serious".

They started getting out of the bed.

I took that as the opportunity to run.

I looked back and milo behind me and I ran into a hard chest "ow". I look up and see Ezra .

He genuinely looked pissed.

"Are y'all really that mad ".

"Ok it's not that serious right milo " erza asked his morning voice does something to me same for Milo's.

"I will be back later " milo says leaving.

Erza picks me up and puts me over his shoulder "put me down please I'm sorry I won't do it again " he smacked my ass "ow dickhead" I say.

"Repeat that " I froze he is into that kinda of lifestyle. I immediately regretted what I said.

He put me over his knee and rubbed my ass with his palms squeezing hard then he would slap me. "Count to 20 with you stop we start over". Their was no point of fighting it.

"Yes "
He spanked me "yes what"

"Yes sir "

"good job"

"Start counting"

By the time he finished I was breathing hard my ass hurt I pushed of his knee rubbing my butt.

I went to the living room floor mirror and saw large red handprints on my ass. It's kinda sexy tbh

Erza behind me "I'm glad you think so ".

I look at him confused

"you and milo both do that and you're eyes change color when we do something sexual and y'all are both touchy feely. And you both are very hot like created by the gods themselves".

I move from his arms "what are y'all " . I say firmly.

"Hope what ar-"

"No don't do that"

"Don't do what hope " erza says

"Gaslight me ". I yell at him

what are you ". I say with venom laced in my voice.

"We are called incubus we are sex demons who feed off your lust sex touch. ".

"W-What " "what are talking about -oh my god I chuckle sadly "y'all used me.

" now I know why y'all didn't want me to leave"

I feel tears in my eyes.

"I'm leaving "


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