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𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐔𝐏 𝐈 looked up at my ceiling and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up from my morning drowsiness. As my vision cleared, I groaned and shifted my body, slowly pushing myself out of bed. My feet dragged against the carpet as I shuffled towards the bathroom.

After a much-needed shower, I emerged feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. However, my mood quickly shifted as I dropped my keys on the ground. Another rough day at work was starting, and I could feel a growing sense of frustration welling up inside of me.

Frustrated, I reached for a piece of paper towel that had a number scribbled on it. I looked at the number for a moment, contemplating whether I should follow through with my intention. Finally, with a heavy sigh, I made the decision to dial the number.

With a deep breath, I placed the phone to my ear and waited for someone to answer. After a couple of rings, a voice on the other end of the line spoke. "Hello."

"Hi, I was wondering if that apartment room was still available for rent," I said, my voice slightly hesitant.

"Uhm okay, bye," the voice replied, abruptly ending the call.

I hung up the phone and put it back down on the kitchen counter, feeling a mix of disappointment and frustration. With a half-smile on my face, I tapped my nails on the surface, feeling a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

As the day progressed, I started getting ready for the possible meeting with my roommates and the apartment. They said it would be around 3 in the afternoon, and I received a text message with the location.

With my shirt on, I walked into the kitchen and checked my phone. Sure enough, there was a text with the address of the apartment. Excitement filled me as I quickly pocketed my phone and made my way to the front door.I start putting my shoes on and it's 2:30 I walk back to my room and spray on some perfume.

I look in the mirror fixing my curly bangs and fluff out my hair with a little bit of lipgloss.I grab my purse and keys and drive to the apartment.Pulling into a parking spot, I twist my keys and turn off my car. Leaning forward I look at the modern complex.

I look at my phone and then back at the building making sure it's the right place.Grabbing my things I close my car door and lock it. Making my way inside the building.


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