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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐎 It's weird. "Umm okay" I whisper lowly, feeling a sense of unease. Grabbing a couple of items from the refrigerator, I begin cooking, trying to distract myself from the unsettling atmosphere.

"I just made some basic creamy Mac n cheese," I announce, placing the dish in front of my roomates. I hand them forks, eager to hear their thoughts.

As I tidy up the kitchen, cleaning and putting away various items, I sneak a peek to see that they are enjoying the meal. Their smiles fill me with relief. "What do you think?" I query, to which they reply in unison, "It's good, hope."

Encouraged by their positive response, I ask, "Do you like it?" They respond with enthusiasm, expressing their appreciation for the dish. "I really like it," one of them declares. I nod in agreement, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

Clearing away the dishes, I bid my friends goodnight and head to my room. My heart races with anticipation, my body still craving release. As I reach my door, I lean against it, trying to catch my breath. The intensity of the situation has only heightened my sexual desires.

Walking over to my bed, I open my nightstand and retrieve a small bottle of lube. The cold, wet sensation as I place it on my fingers sends a shiver down my spine. I put the bottle away, closing it with a satisfying click.

Lying down beneath the covers, I let my hand roam across my lips, savoring the sensation. The cold lube sends a shiver through me, enhancing the sensations. Closing my eyes, I allow myself to get lost in the moment, my thoughts racing as I anticipate the pleasure to come.

I bite into my lower lip, feeling a sense of intensity and anticipation. My breath catches in my throat as I explore the depths of pleasure, rolling my eyes with pleasure as my fingers glide over my sensitive flesh. With each touch, I release small whimpers that convey my enjoyment, amplifying the experience.

Suddenly, my body trembles with anticipation as I push a little harder, reaching new heights of pleasure. A loud moan escapes my lips, surprising even myself. I quickly cover my mouth, embarrassed by the intensity of my own release.

In the aftermath, I gasp for air, my body still trembling with the aftermath of pleasure. I hear a knock on my door, jolting me back to the present. I jump up, suddenly aware of my disheveled state. Clearing my throat, I respond with a raspy voice, "Yes."

Opening the door, I see Ezra standing before me. Concern etched on his face, he asks, "You ok?"

I nod my head, trying to regain my composure. In an effort to fix my hair, I try to Cooley it, feeling nervous under his scrutiny. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you for checking on me."

However, something strange catches my attention. Ezra's eyes change, transitioning from their usual brown color to a vibrant gold-yellow. This sudden change causes unease within me. Maybe I'm going crazy?

Without warning, Ezra grasps my chin and leans closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "You smell delicious, hope." Then, he walks away, leaving me in a state of shock and confusion.

Closing the door behind him, I retreat to my bed, my mind racing with possibilities. What just happened? Was Ezra's behavior normal? Or am I starting to see things that aren't there?

As I lay in bed, my thoughts spiraling, I try to find solace in the comfort and safety of my own sanctuary. Only time will tell if the events I witnessed were just my imagination or if there might be something more sinister at play.


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