𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 🔥

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Milo and I decided to put out an offer for a roommate hoping one person in specific would call as soon as we got that call and I picked up and heard her voice, we knew she was the one. Things have been going rough to say the least.

The constant dream feeding isn't giving us what we needed and it's showing in our eyes. They look sunken in with dark bags underneath them. Not to mention she doesn't look too good herself. Her brownskin looks pale with dark bags decorating underneath her eyes. Plus she's tired all the time were dying and she is too.

As much as she is thinking about moving out Milo and me refuse to let that happen if she leaves we will die and she'll be tracked by others.. her scent is what attracted us to her in the first place so we won't be the last if we don't claim her.

Milo has gone on a hunt to find another person we can get our energy from but its hard and distasteful when it doesn't come from her, Her soft body and tasty curves and brown hair and fuckable face , her pouty full lips..

Lord help us...

The bath incident is well.. she was annoyed but her face showed it all we could read her like an open book pages out and all.

Seeing her puffy eyes and silent cries was hurtful although we haven't known her for long it hurt to see her in pain and discomfort.

It's so hard not to do anything to her when she's so fucking delicious it drives me crazy, her thick thighs.. and her sweet honey like smell its mouthwatering only the kind that makes you crave more. She fills every craving we need and want.

We need more than just dreams to keep us alive, a small voice peeks from the darkness of the hallway walking into the kitchen " Ezra, Milo " Hope says softly.

"yes " I answer looking at her delicious figure , Milo hums in an acknowledgment.

"I've been thinking about moving out ".

"Why " Milo asked curiously already knowing the reasoning.

"Because I- e " her voice was shaky and her eyes were filling with tears of frustration and pain. Milo and me walked over to her and I extended my hand and led her to the couch and we sat on either side of her.

She sobbed as I looked at milo while rubbing her back.

I looked at Milo " we can't let her leave , she needs us and we need her whether we like it or not " his voice echoing in my head.

Hope shuffled on the couch wiping her face , Milo cleared his throat " come here " he said softly his rough voice causing her to look in his direction, he opened his arms and she leaned into him and hugged him tightly , her shoulders shook as she cried while rubbing her back.

As much as we didn't want to be selfish , her being between us both looking so desperately was turning us on.

Hope pulled back and sat in the middle again.

I hugged hope once more knowing she needed it , milo got up and made efforts to try to find something quick and temporary .

After a while her breathing evened and she calmed down as her body rose softly , I listened to her heartbeats stay sound.

She pulled away " I'm sorry it's just my body has been doing some weird things I have been thes-" she stopped mid sentence I nudged her to keep going.

"These dreams and my body reacts to it like if was real and it's frustrating because I can't sleep and my body aches I feel drained. "

"I'm sorry again " she said.

Guilt was eating at me alive knowing we were causing her this much pain"Let me put on a movie and get you snacks and we can hang out and then milo can join deal ". I ask hoping she'd say yes and change her mind about moving.

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