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𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐎 my clock on my nightstand going off. I hit snooze and get out of bed, yawning, as yesterday was another wet night. The dreams are starting to get to me now, leaving me feeling sexually frustrated. I get ready, putting on the same clothes needed due to the stupid rules required for my job.

As I rub my temples and close my eyes, the weight of my circumstances becomes overwhelming. I'm months behind on rent, and my landlord's ultimatum hangs heavily over me. I need to find another place to rent that I can afford, before my landlord evicts me. Grabbing my keys and driving to work, I dread the day ahead.

I hate my job, but for some reason, I continue to do it. The sameness and displeasure weigh heavily on my shoulders. I hate people, their judgments and constant demands.

On my way to work, an elderly lady yells at me, and for a moment, I contemplate smacking her. However, I refrain, aware that I cannot lose my composure in such situations.

Once in the office, I drop off my mail on the kitchen counter and sift through it. As I reach the last envelope, I notice it is yellow and marked with bold red letters that spell out "EVICTION NOTICE." Opening it, I pull out a couple of papers that explain how many monthly payments I have been missing. I read through them, the gravity sinking in as I scan each line.


December -$1,200
October -2,400 +100 late fee =$2,500
September - 3,600 + 110 late fee=$3,710
June-4,800 +120 late fee =$4,920

Total amount- $12,330

July 14,2021

(Time to pay )

July 7, 2021 At 12:00 sharp.


"Omg no fucking way," I mumbled quietly to myself. I couldn't believe what I was reading. 12,330 by The 7th... how am I supposed to pay that? I don't have that kind of money, I thought to myself.

Frustrated, I grabbed my laptop and embarked on a search for cheaper apartments. After an hour of searching, however, I had no luck. All the apartments I found were out of my price range.

With a heavy sigh, I shut my laptop down and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal into it. As I made my way to the couch, I realized that I had nothing to do. I turned on the TV, hoping to distract myself, but a commercial caught my attention.

"Need a cheap apartment? Only $500 monthly!" The ad blared on the screen, leaving me stunned. I choked on my cereal and put the bowl down. Running to the kitchen, I grabbed a piece of paper towel and a pen.

Returning to the couch, I wrote down the last digits of the phone number that flashed on the screen. Turning off the TV, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, things weren't as bleak as I had initially thought. Maybe there was a chance I'd be okay after all.

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