𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 🔥

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"𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘" 𝐇𝐄 whispers as he wipes the stray tear leaving my eye.

"You better be" he kisses to the center of my chest and his tongue swirls around my nipple.
making it hard.

His teeth graze it sucking and pulling on it he switches to the other .

I let small moans leave my mouth. I could orgasm from that alone.

My hands run through his hair it's so soft .

He kisses past my stomach and he settled in between my thighs doing light scattered kisses working his way up.

He places a direct kiss on my pussy.

"Relax " is all he said.

His warm mouth and tongue working magic in between my folds . I release my tense muscles watching every movement .

He goes slow but it feels amazing like he is making love to me.

I let moans leave my mouth I suck in my bottom lip and let my chest raise and fall fast.

I could feel my orgasm coming he sucks on my clit and my legs shake i grip the bedsheets and let my orgasm go.

My breathing shaky he keeps going his tongue doing figure eights on my clit making me jerk away from the last orgasm I had .

He locks his arms on my legs and keeps going I put a shaky hand on his arm he closes his eyes.

"O-o m-my god " I squeal slightly "fuck " I mumble lowly "I'm gonna cum " I grip his arm tighter.

I start pulling away "Ezra n-no more " "I can't "

He opens his eyes and they are gold they are beautiful "I think I'm gonna cum again ". The knot in my stomach getting bigger each second.

My stomach tenses up and I release for the third time I think .

I let my head hit the pillow beneath me panting heavy .

Ezra kisses me I kiss him back tasting me on his tongue.

he pulls down his sweatpants and rubs his dick up and down my slit covering it in my juices.

He pushes in slowly I gasp feeling all stretched out. "Oh shit " I lock eyes with Ezra .

He pushes all the way in he picks up pace I feel so full.

I release loud moans Ezra kisses me I moan into the kiss I try to keep kissing him but I can't.

He swallows all my moans I feel like I am floating.

I send Ezra a half smile he smirks back at me.

His hand snakes up my throat and gives it a light squeeze my mouth parts open and my eyes roll.

I feel tears gather in my eyes "fuck I'm cumming "

I let my head hit the pillow.

He keeps going "are you trying to kill me " . I say between breathes

"Nope I am worshiping you " he says I left my head and watch as Ezra's dick easily slides in and out .

"You gonna cum hope " I look back to Ezra

"Y-yea " I moan out

"Ask to cum "

"W-what "

"You heard me "

"Please please let me cum " I beg

"Whatever you wish "

He pounds harder making my eyes roll I feel my jaw go slack

This is so embarrassing I probably look crazy maybe possessed.

I feel my walks tighten around Ezra and he grunts .

I make an high pitched scream and my legs shake and my back arches I cum on Ezra's dick .

He slows down and I get the chance to breathe.

He pulls out and I grab his dick and swirl my tongue around his tip listening to his moans .

I relax my throat and slide Ezra down my throat I glide my tongue on the under side of his dick.

I suck making my cheeks hollow I pull out and use my hand to twist in fast motions he grunts he louder and I use my other hand to play with his balls.

I can tell he's close his thighs tense up and I feel his hot cum in my throat I swallow and stand on my knees while sitting on the bed.

I lick my lips and he kisses me I smile and let my tongue explore his.

He picks me up and brings me to the bathroom and runs us a shower .


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