𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 🔥

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𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐔𝐏 and they both walk towards me.

"What are ya-"

"stop talking " milo says

"Ya- " I m about to get mad

Milo looks at me firmly I close my mouth.


I'm in the middle of them again

"You're sexually frustrated ".

"Is that right "

Ezra's voice is smooth and rough.

I nod my head.

I feel Ezra's lips on my neck and Milo's too.

I hum out in satisfaction.

"Stay with us " I look up at their eyes .

I roll my eyes and start to take off my heels and set them on the ground .

It seems like they were communicating but not saying it. Milo repeated to me whispering what they were gonna do.

I'm not gonna lie I'm starting to get excited.

They walked me into my bedroom and i had cleaned my room and everything before I had planned to leave.

I pulled out my things from my bra and set them down.

They took my dress off I was a little bit scared because usually when I have sex I'm drunk and not sober.

"Umm I'm sorry but what if you don't li-".

"Don't " Ezra said.

as he kept praising me his hand snaked around my throat. while his mouth was pressed to my ear.

He gave it a little squeeze making my lips part a little and my breathing hitched.

His hand moved from my throat lifting my dress and threw it on the floor I was left in my thong .

The dress had a bra sewn in it. I covered my boobs they what I was most insecure about about.

"I don't think I can do this " I say softly looking down.

I know I have a body that people say people would kill for but I still feel insecure.

Milo stopped and sat in front of me lifting my head and they kissed my face. There was a mirror in front of us.

"Show us what you don't like about yourself ". I moved my hands.

" everything I know it seems like I have confidence but only when I'm drunk because no one worries about how I look but about getting laid. " I said lowly as I said each word.

Milo kissed my cheeks and so did Ezra they kissed every part of me I started laughing and Ezra wiped my tears and kissed my lips.

His lips were soft and gentle I loved it his tongue licked the bottom of my lip and I opened my mouth letting his tongue enter mine.

I started getting more horny with each touch I craved more. Ezra got behind me and milo was working his way to my pussy.

He kissed my inner thighs . I was just sitting in between Ezra's legs his arms put mine behind my back it didn't hurt but I was restrained.

Milo blew his breath on it making me squirm a little bit.

His kisses got closer. Each time. He pulled off my thong and leaned closer licking up I gasped.

He licked up and down I smiled it felt really good. My breathing started getting faster.

I really wanted to touch his hair. He held my thighs in his hands kneading them. He sucked on clit making me moan loudly.

My mouth fell open. Slightly I felt erzas head on my shoulder and started whispering things in my ear.

Telling me how good I was doing and that his head would soon be in between my legs.

I really wanted to close my legs it was starting to build up fast. Milo moved his head side to side.

Each time he did a certain thing my legs would try to flinch and close legs and milo would keep doing it.

"I'm gonna cum " .

I nodded my head milo locked eyes with me and they were a pretty good color.
And they were hooded making him look sexier.

"Omg fuck". I couldn't say full sentences.

My eyes rolled and my legs quivered". "Mmmm".

He kept going "n-no more " I nodded my head no .

He lifted his head and wiped his mouth. Erzas grip loosened and I could move my arms. I was breathing heavy.


I watch as she climax's her eyebrows furrow and her mouth forms an o and and her eyes roll and her legs shake.

Its a beautiful thing women orgasms are art pieces. They take time practice care , rhythm tempo .


They switched places but instead of my my hands behind my back milo held my hands and I held his and pushed them into the bed.

Ezra's lays his head on my thigh holding it. Letting his finger run and down before pushing in. I moaned . He pushed in and out fast.

I let my head rest on Milo's shoulder I jumped feeling his mouth on my clit.

My head shot up and I squeezed hands with Milo's hard. Milo' whispers in my ear "see told you we would switch". And kissed my cheek

Me and Ezra looked at each other.

And I watched as he kept watching me for strong reactions.

He be sucked a little bit harder I wanted to play in his hair too.

"I-I " "what's wrong hope " milo asks .

I feel him smiling against my ear fuck him for that.

"That wasn't nice hope". How the fuck did he

Ezra curled his finger and I lost it. I felt like my nails were hurting Milos.

My legs wanted to snap shut around his head.

This orgasm feels weird . I moaned really loud.

I felt a liquid gush. Omg

"Wow she's a squirter good to know ". I didn't need to look at them to know they were smiling.

"I didn't know I could do that" I said.

Breathing hard.

They both kissed my cheek and ran me a bath.


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