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As I yawn for the third time, I find myself walking towards the fridge, anticipation building within me as I think about my favorite ice cream. I can't resist the temptation any longer, and I reach inside to pull out the delicious treat. As I turn around, I hear the front door open, and I walk back to the couch, locking eyes with Ezra.

I look at him, holding the spoon in front of my mouth as I savor the first bite of the ice cream. He takes in my appearance, his eyes lingering on my shirt, which exposes a generous amount of my brown skin. Suddenly, I realize why he's looking at my shirt. The fabric is lightly rubbing against my nipples, causing me to blush slightly. I bite down on my ice cream, choking slightly as the door opens again, this time revealing Milo in the doorway.

They both look tired and hungry as they enter the room, their eyes slowly traveling towards me. Ezra speaks first, asking in a curious tone, "What's that smell?" I look at him, confused, unsure of what he's referring to. Milo also smells the air and chimes in, confirming Ezra's observation, "I smell it too."

As they approach me, my heart races with a mix of nervousness and excitement. Their close proximity is nerve-racking, especially when I realize that there are two very fine specimens standing right in front of me. I swallow hard, trying to compose myself, and manage to reply hesitantly, "Thank you, I...uh...don't know what you're referring to."

Milo leans closer, his voice barely above a whisper, "You smell really good." The intensity in his eyes is palpable, causing me to blush even more. Ezra, too, seems to be captivated by my scent, his eyes lingering on mine. The air between us is thick with anticipation, leaving me breathless and unsure of what to say or do next.

The tension is palpable, and the silence stretches on for what seems like an eternity. Milo's words, coupled with Ezra's unwavering gaze, are making me feel a mix of nervousness and desire. I'm torn between being flattered by their compliments and being overwhelmed by their presence. "Yes do you do ". Milo says.

t's nerve-racking when two very fine specimens are standing in front of me, closely. They both lean down towards my neck and inhale, causing my whole body to stiffen up from the sudden invasion.

 They both take a step backwards, and I notice a peculiar expression on their faces. Ignoring the unsettling moment, I find myself aroused. 

Unable to control my body, I lift my head from the fridge and slam it, causing a loud bang. Why is my body reacting in this way? I'm going to cry. The stress is overwhelming. Suddenly, I notice Ezra and Milo's eyes change color from brown to a striking gold.

 The sight is unsettling, and I can't seem to comprehend what is happening. As I relive myself in the bathroom, I can't help but feel a sense of relief. 

However, the throbbing sensation in my core remains, making it difficult to suppress the urge to satisfy my desires. When Ezra and Milo respond positively to my question about being hungry, I have a strange feeling that they are not the only ones feeling this way. 

Despite the discomfort, I force myself to ignore the intense longing and focus on the task at hand. "Are you guys hungry?" I ask, trying to keep my emotions in check. 

Ezra replies with an enthusiastic "yes, very", while Milo looks at me in a way that suggests there is more to their response than meets the eye. This situation is overwhelming, and I desperately want to feel safe and in control again.


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